>Any topic as long as it's not politics or minecraft. Well we nailed Minecraft already How's about we start talkin politics? How goes that Nashville shooting?
we should do minecraft again maybe demonnerd would come back
Nice here now for some reason freak weather events increasing in frequency There were probably 10000 people milling about on my way to the orb these last few days near to my house queuing for the bars a mile away
i dont know what most american states look like especially the ones that are blobby or not specially shaped
I wonder if ohio still has that picture of me in meido outfit
Only way for you to make him get rid of it is to devaluing it by issuing several more unique photos of you in a meido outfit to interested stakeholders
like i've been planning on packing up my ladies and leaving for a while so i'm not as impacted but this is pretty fucking insane
w that’s good to get out and it’s worse in Florida a they’re pulling out nullification again really hope I’m out of here whenever the powder keg sparks up Hope you get far enough away too
things seem to be getting better here and Illinois at least
rori who eats the world
>>11642 the plan at the moment is illinois so i'm hopeful
wwwwwww hope that works out have a bunch of my extended family on both sides there in different cults wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww if I never have to see another rock and roll Presbyterian sermon it will be too soon
rori who eats the world
the presbyterian cults around here are pretty bad but not as bad as my sister who is already in illinois hmmmmmmmmmm
Only ever saw one in Portugal a storefront shitbox min // in a city with 200 cathedrals for 10k residents
But yeah it was really weird last time I was down there was for a funeral and we played the Age of Wonders board game in the lobby of the weird church that had cross props permanently affixed to the stage w
hmmmm i'm getting "file system full" when i try to copy from /mnt/term into disk i have 128ssd gb and 1tb hdd and anime only take 16gb space in disk also man stopped working uhoh statw uhoh it doesn't look good how did cache fill up again what the hell i thought thing i did with -c cleared it?? typed dump e how come cache is at 87% after dump clri dump ?? ok i typed dump couple of times until it decreased to 18% dump itself is still filled hm i figured this stuff would be handled automatically is that a quirk of cwfs64x i wonder
>>11649 con -C /srv/cwfs.cmd and uh? statsw? type help and find the stats command
Yeah, dump
don’t recall if there is a command to ream the cache off the top me head
>>11648 lol literally almost the exact words turt said on IRC once >whats it gunna be like when you're a creepy, balding 40 year old guy sitting in VR chat talking with teenagers about cum all day paraphrased from memory
good news it finished copying bad news after mounting ls /n/output still shows nothing will try rebooting now
uhoh exec header invalid can't start rc aa! need to boot into cd again and restore main maybe
sdE1 does have fsworm hmm i'll leave it like this for now before i horribly break things. it's 1am or maybe i do cwfs64x -cf /dev/sdE0/fscache filsys main c(/dev/sdE0/fscache)(/dev/sdE0/fsworm) recover main end it should've been sdE1/fsworm agh i don't knoww
I just find it cool to draw connections He's someone from the Toronto 4chan group that seems to have fractured the group because of how rowdy he was He still is. But he's good fun lol
also myane https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/82641247/artworks/%E7%A7%81%E3%81%AB%E5%A4%A9%E4%BD%BF%E3%81%8C%E8%88%9E%E3%81%84%E9%99%8D%E3%82%8A%E3%81%9F!
>>12028 The laws are quite different in regards to drawn loli. I wasn't even aware there were any laws about dolls. They for sure feel very lousy, and could be easily overturned in court, because it's basically banning the sale and ownership of sex toys. And with absolutely no victims to have the case against.
they can claim that sex toys have no artistic value and therefore loli body is as real as child rape. there are news articles claiming loli dolls are child abuse dolls, not really sure how you can rape TPE.
hey inaban are you going to the toronto jazz festival in a few weeks? I think I'll be in Toronto at that time If you wanna get dinner with me, I think that'd be fun!
June 29 to July 2, that is I might be stopping by Niagara Falls and Detroit before going to Toronto though but yeah if you want to
goin 2 london weekend before that w (ON)
just to shit around or whatever
Damn, this was the earliest I could go lol
I'll be in the ol' D in October. I don't know how long you're still in America though
Yeah, I was going to go to the jazz festival but the group I wanted to go with decided to not go... after I requested time off soooo I'm still fuckin' going
I don't like jazz, it was just for me to hang out with them. Now that that's out of the way... well, I'm tryna find people to do things with or just go... idk walk around Toronto? I've never been to Canada before.
yeh chinatown's still alright kensington market uh
most of the rest of the city is gone the blocks of 3-story brownstones with weird basement level shops and the art collectives just condos now even the old gay district w midcentury modern fully excised from the whole city
I guess way out koreatown is still there too ;_; so many places with great street art just obliterated for condos that no one lives in
hmm most of the jazz clubs are up by the circle that stuff is mostly intact
>>12062 >>12063 I'm actually leaving the continent that weekend. Weird how many buns ive met in toronto, yet i've never met any of them in all the times im in america.
>>12066 There are some yummy places around dt toronto. Ikkousha is probably the closest to authentic ramen you can get outside of Japan. Also if you and your friends wanna just hang out, you can book a firepit outside of the ontario place and have a small bonfire
Did they actually close the Timmys at St. George?
idk dude you're asking me as if i actually live in toronto i visit it from time to time, but thats about it i can ask imouto, she went to school there for a few years
oh yeah that is right across from UofT w
I forgot that the TTC doesn't extend out to the places people actually live affordably unlike every other metro transit system in the world w seriously even the Porto overland goes all the way up to PdV
>>12069 Are you moving to America? I suppose you don't wanna say where exactly, but if it's New England + PA and NY, I'm sure we could work something out.
>>12069 >food recs tee bee atch if we aren't actually going to the jazz festival, I don't think there's any reason to go to Toronto and instead just hang around Niagara Falls or the smaller towns down there. Well, maybe... I just wanna get some loonies. I find foreign currency so cool. Ooh, toonies still exist too. I know Canada got rid of the penny. But my money collection stuff doesn't need to happen in Toronto anyway
I did hear that shwarma is really good in Toronto though. The guys I spend time with in Boston spend all their time finding a good shwarma place lol.
i just realized you said continent and not country noooooooooo Are you sure you don't wanna say hi? :(
4 day weekend starts now! Goin down 2 da forest to fuck about with a bunch of faggots and trannys and we're all gettting the highest and drunkest we've ever been!
>>12098 sad, maybe you can reach a poly middle-ground i voice chatted with my internet trans (or femboy they don't know it themselves either yet) friend for the first time erokawa
Hey vip or others with VR Do you guys have an Oculus! ?* My dad is wanting to play P.T., and I found the Unreal version of the game, which has an executable. The executable has VR support but... I don't know how to actually get it to run on the Oculus. I've got developer mode and SideQuest working all fine. But I don't know how to actually run this pirated game on the Oculus (Quest 2).
I was at MIT a couple months ago presenting some research and I had no reason to stay, so I dipped right after the conference had I known, we could've gone for a beer or something
You're quite the smarty pants to be doin things like that I got a phd but didnt once present to another university >>12113 Ngl prolly enough info there to find you
Not really. I'm pretty sure the conference just lets in anyone who is a student and has a decent-enough looking abstract. My lab group were the only Canadians there.
I mean, if you were lurking /tea/, you'd've seen me posting baby pictures of myself lol
It would take a lot of effort to find out who you are, but I believe it's possible
It might need external info though, someone told me what you research once so that definitely helps Otherwise it'd be nightmare scrolling thru all the conferences
I guess this is the power of OSINT aka being bored and having a lot of spare time on one's hand
In seriousness (cuz I truly dont want to spend the time and its also a breach of trust to stalk you, I just wanted to let you know) Hey man, good luck in the future Hope things stabilize, or if you like chaos, I suppose, I hope you stay chaotic. Cheers goodnight
Btw, I got my dad to play P.T. on VR but he just found it boring and we needed the guide to figure out what to do since it was hard to hit the triggers
stores are out of lube had to order will look at nana figurine while i sex the doll ah and faped today while looking at doll I DO NOT HOTGLUE i wouldn't dare they're expensive yes fun but i can't afford to mess up i want to see bikini nana covered in cum as much as any other guy
I am confused about Inabana's complaint about Toronto's public transportation system It looks pretty good to me!
That's IC not RT
I don't know what these words mean. I didn't want to drive into Toronto from Niagara Falls, so.
There's a million buses too! >There's like 8 different public transport systems wtf >That's like 8 more than we [Detroit] have
:v yeah America is the pits But it’s nothing compared to any euro city wwwwwww even coimbra www
GO trains are twice as expensive as subway wait no GO trains charge you depending on how far you travel, while the subway is a flat fee Then again, lots of subway systems charge by distance. I think the TTC might be the only subway system I've been on with a flat fee. Also the TTC buses charge flat fees too, unless you are crossing between regions, then u gotta pay when you get on and when you get off.
Also some of these bus routes take foreverrrr especially if you have a bunch of transfers
I dunno bucko It's $10 for an entire day That's much better than driving the entire distance and being stuck in traffic for 2+ hours! Also $15 for the entire weekend!
But you're also talking to someone who didn't know public transportation was actually a thing until I got to Boston and realized people actually use trains.
wwwwwww with residency you can get anywhere in the Lisbon IC/IR/metro for $20/month
is vintage story good i remember we talked about it. if it's worth it i might buy
It’s alright long way to go before it’s good can get the same thing in minceraft with tfc right now
do u like don't starve together
I have so many hours on DST. It's probably the game I've played the most with others.
i never got to the later stages of the game would be nice playing together maybe what do you think vip
We always play Webber. Spider ppl can trap spiders and have an infinite meat source/bodyguards/web/spidergland
yeah webber is really good i used to play maxwell/wickerbottom duo with friend maxwell can read her books with no problem joint map mod is crucial i don't know why it isn't in by default everyone should be able to see the map it's impossible to explain otherwise global map shows where everyone is and updates the discovered areas for all yeah
Next time I play DST I gotta have mods. There are so many quality of life changes the game needs
>>12301 Well the idea is you make a map and give it to others so they can see where you have been. But honestly it's pretty terrible and in a game where everything is trying to actively kill you, I don't think it needed the extra difficulty. They should have made a setting in the initial world generation to toggle it.
yeah but if i'm in a voicecall with a friend it's stupid and beats the purpose of it and just makes it annoying >>12303 yeah i agree. for playing with strangers especially if pvp is on it makes sense but otherwise kinda lame
i heard wolfgang and wx are strong too but never really tried. wx is op in regular DS though
We've tried a few other characters before but once we found out how good Webber was we never went back. Di you have the shipwrecked dlc? The ships are awful It's great
I swear the game is made for masochists. I've never had a survival game that made it this difficult to just survive.
yeah i played all except hamlet i still suck at dodging attacks people say that the game shouldn't be called don't starve but i've died so many times from starvation because i was busy dealing with 50 other things and i forgot to eat
with maxwell and wick you start with nightmare sword or whatever it was called. if you're good at kiting then playing maxwell is no issue oh yeah with webber you can sleep in spider nests too now webber ez modo lol cover the entire world with nests and you're golden ww
Football helmet, log suit, and tentacles spike is the best load out for basic dmg dealing
>>12306 Webber really helps. Once you trap spider meat and combine it with ice or whatever berries/Veggies u find You're pretty much set and you don't need to worry about starving. Yup the sleeping thing is pretty OP
I'm in a lewd mood this morning~
i was in a lewd mood yesterday sexed the doll 3 times!
I gotta try VR sex with an ona before I go off. VR is amazing, I highly recommend it if you have a headset.
yeah i play a lot of koikatsu sunshine used to play com3d2 vr too but i don't have 200GB free space anymore com3d2 is fantastic, boob physics aren't as good as koikatsu but everything else is way better
Do either of those have 3d audio? I've never gotten it to work in koikatsu
i don't notice that stuff usually sorry i'm not sure
I feel like shit. It's like my brain is in a haze today.
>>12320 i can't seem to find an image i had it's two dudes kissing and groping each other while wearing vr headsets one of them says "it feels like i'm actually touching one" while groping fat dude's breasts was a drawing
>>12333 could be worse tbh not a fan of the perma-ahegao tho
Yeah that’s the drawback of formed mouths, have to always have the same expression so you need to pick one you want to see w These and guava ones have that the others it’s a replaceable flat texture but you can’t fuck it wwwwwww
i think im pretty happy with my ona/VR setup its a shame you don't have the same touch experience tho
DST is really fun But I don't know how to do well I got past the first winter but then died in the spring with my buddies And then we've never played again, but idk if it's harder to play with 5 people or not I was the hunter, 2 were food gatherers, and 1 the cook, 1 chopping wood
you can move the eyes also that mouth can oralsex i also like sucking on tongue
/bun/ DST everyone plays when
>>12339 honestly when it was divvy'd out like that, it was really boring lol It was more fun when it was all chaotic
if we end up playing DST, i'll be the lonely spider off on my own spiderbase
I'll be a ghost over and over again and steal all the tell-tale hearts and touch stones thanks /bun/ you guys are the best
wwwwwwwwww set it up on the old /bun/ steam group
oh wait I o kig have s the base and not any expanSions wwww
I guess I better promote new moderators or something
>>12358 it's "sluts" it's always sluts for everything they do together
wow even meguca has steam group too bad i don't even know the password for the website eeee is the website down is it? am i using the wrong site https://meguca.org/ ??
Well I [/spoiler]won't be on the east coast forever either[/spoiler] Oh fuck you spoilers
I'll complain here a bit about it I suppose... I spent a month trying to get the navy to install Anaconda on their damn computers cuz they want Python projects to be new and trendy n stuff And now finally after I got them to install the fuckin thing, they want to delete it because it's too bloated I swear if they delete that I'm gonna quit...
tried doll + koikatsu vr today great success it felt even better one drawback is the weather i'm covered in sweat now and strapping a toaster on your head doesn't help
ah wasn't referring to that one just want something taller and not tpe i need a bigger house for that give me like 2 years ww i wonder what character i would want to have. that's easy for you to answer nana-chan would be nice maybe eh?! 502 Bad Gateway can't upload img
nginx bad
aaaaaa why does it hate this image https://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=7774933
is there a file upload size limit?
yes but that should be below it
nginx problem
Is it gay to suck a dildo molded of your own chinpo? Or is it just masturbation? Hypothetically ofc
hmm would it be gay for you to suck a dildo molded of someone else's chinpo? Do you still have those scans of other buns' dicks?
touching your penis is gay
would it be gay for your girlfriend to penetrate you with the mold of one of your friends' dicks while you're on a voice call with that friend?
i have come to the conclusion that buying doll with bigger breasts is better when sexing in vr it feels weird when girl has boobie bigger than A cup breaks immersion
diversity is fun >>12575 in the end it might be best to just get a hip but then you don't have legs aaaa
full haptic body suit vr sex + onahole ??????????????? i need to figure out the best way to do this for science
>>12579 Get one of these vests with fake boobs, put it on your doll. You can use it for VR with oppai, and take it off when you want to appreciate the flatness of your doll.
>>12580 good idea just need to find that'll fit for 110cm doll ww find one*
Smol > flat
No FLAT best
reject middle ground either AAA cup or Z cup
penis terrorism
i received a penis xray from femboy friend wwwwwwwwwwww
>>12643 she jerks off on stream and you jerk off at the same time there are special onahole/dildos that do it wwwwww Akira Mazono has done a bunch of them w