[bun / gen ]
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Lets keep /bun/ a monument to hubris If this is your first time here please read the rules. Upload size limit is 30 MB Accepted upload file types: JPG, JPEG, PNG, APNG, GIF, WEBM, SVG, PDF, MP3(must have cover art) Click the small box in the bottom right of your post to use a spoiler Hash commands: #<number of dice(1-10, optional)>d<dice sides(1-100)> - Roll dice #flip - Coinflip #8ball - An 8ball #q - Print r/a/dio song queue #sw<hours(optional)>:<minutes>:<seconds>[+-]<offset seconds(optional)> - Syncronised duration timer A positive offset adds a countdown. A negative offset starts the timer n seconds into the episode. Our discord channel Haunted by ghosts of those who yet live
Mon Eat world tree and lie all day Tue Glory to Tyr all day Wed Oh mighty Wotan all day Thu Quarta-feira all day Fri Take it easy all day Sat Filter Friday 01:00 Sun Take it easy all day
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/bun/ - Náströnd