Too bad the show dropped in quality the second they dropped focus on Koumei and Eiko
i want a slut era...
>>12893 I liked it! I was playing animemusicquiz with coworkers and I learned that I kinda just like a lot of anime though >>12890 I'll check it out, I've heard good things about Kamen Rider for sure.
>>12894 All you really need for aslut era is a maid dress and a camera and maybe some buttplay prep
>>12900 I have a MAL, yeah. Do you remember my username on Minecraft or do you know who I am on steam? Add a "ful" at the end of that username and that's my MAL account.
>>12910 Oh yeahhh the show I was _going_ to watch is Girls Last Tour I remember I watched 1 episode, thought it was great, then became busy and did something else.
I was wrong about Currywurst It's not bad. I just didn't realize there was curry powder at the bottom of the container. It isn't that good either. It's just ketchup, curry powder, and maybe a bit of pepper.
>>12962 Ruuuuuuude Granted I had some beets and I didn't particularly like them much either, so I can't complain too much. I did eat all of them like a good boy tho
>Too old to have fun C'mon now! Parties are the best part of life! Any excuse to throw a party is nice!
Letsencrypt worlds worst service
I've never really had trouble with letsencrypt? I havent touched it in 2ish years idk
-- and it still seems to be chugging along
doesn't work well on a different machine from the one the cert is for w
never tried that soooo idk! I used InCommon before and it was a pain to send an email to them asking for a renewal... I set up a python script to auto-send an email and parse their response and pull the new cert. I was quite proud of that. :)
>>12999 yeah I've been reading it! it's been super duper helpful!!!!! but oh my gah I am not a huge fighting gamer so there's a bit of a learning curve
>>13057 i have given dude friends the wrong idea a couple times now its so fucking awkward its like "oh shit i can't act the way i used to or they'll think im into them"
the danger of being cute i guess a good problem to have? maybe still sucks that its a problem tho
>>13058 wwwwww brojobs just become public use slut then it's not a problem wwwwwww
hmm thumbnailer is fucking up more than usual I think linux developers probably they should be killed this sucks holy shit
>>13059 i only have so much bandwidth! besides i already have cool dudes in my life I actually like sleeping with so I don't really need strangers to fill that need at the moment wwwwwwwwwwww
Tell me bunners What's your story Where you come from and where you wanna go this time? oh You're so lovely Are you lonely? Giving uh... fuck I typed too slow I was doing well. I love the rhcp
I love *most of the songs* from rhcp Well Uh Not very many songs
didn't get what i wanted except the default lat 404 bg which i did want
>>13167 It's just that /tea/ always has basic complaints about the government >Oh the government wastes money >They don't ever fix the roads >The police force is too powerful Conversations like that don't really help.. it's just complaining in the void and I hear it all the damn time and it's just boring, it doesn't do anything >We need public transportation >Home owners need to die >Taxes are too high and difficult It's the same conversation every damn time politics comes up on /tea/.
>>13181 Well, thats a very rambling, roundabout non-answer In which you note the repetitiveness of general complaints about government/society in general, and despite that observation holding some truth, it does not at all address the very specific claim you made of "anti government = naive"
No, that's not what I meant. If I said that, then I said it wrong. I meant that the arguments that are talked about on /tea/ are always naive and don't think about nuance. It's just "government bad, taxes bad, cars bad, public transportation good" And it's repeated over and over and over and over and over again
What nuance do you bring to the table?
I don't. I said I leave /tea/ whenever it happens and I was recommending Nijisan to not bother even trying to argue since nothing's going to change.
>>13181 I'd say that's much better than discussing things like various flavors of Marxism, politician gossip, or playing culture wars. This is a list of things that actually affects people, after all.
>>13193 No I mean in general Give me an argument or position you think is "non naive" or nuanced
wao so many anons can i name them? pls vip?
Is there more than 2 unique? I was pretty sure I knew the 2 people.
>>13195 It doesn't really matter... I don't go on /tea/ to have in-depth political discussions and then I get irritated when it's the same arguments over and over again Everyone is stuck in their ways and I hear the same arguments. An example would be discussing how to transition from a car-dependent society to a public transportation-dependent society and _not_ just saying cars suck as three people on /tea/ always say every time it's brought up
after september i wont be able to play vidya until the end of october also still unsure if im staying in europe or not i should find out soon
>>13197 Why does it need to be some kind of "dependent" society? I think you miss the point of public transportation.
>>13197 Because the way to do it is to shrink the government. I don't think you're interested in hearing that, though. It's not any more 'helpful' than saying nothing at all.
>>13203 That seems kinda odd. Less so if most of them are in subsidized businesses, because governments tend to have their fingers in everything from agriculture to non-agri culture, though. The problem in the US is mostly caused by massive automobile and oil lobbyist groups and the kind of zoning laws that they implemented, so it's not directly related to government scale, but if anything was to be done to it it would probably work best with less regulation and the market forces changing infrastructure to a direction that people want and/or need.
The Portuguese have amazing transportation and something like 80% of people either work directly for the government or in a government subsidized business wwwwwww
>>13202 >I don't think you're interested in hearing that, though. That's honestly my exact impression about all these complaints here >>13181 "I don't want things I'm not interested in being talked about." There obviously can be no nuance in any discussion the individual is not interested in from the beginning.
I'm sorry I don't join in on conversations I don't care about? And I made one complaint about it?
My one and only ever complaint
>>13202 wwww Portugues government subsidizes all the Cafes and restaurants and lightbulb shops and stuff basically every business is
The market forces dictate that what people want is stock buybacks, capacity reduction, and ripping out of the copper in the walls wwww
>>13208 Is that market forces of uh, monetary policy forces? or* I'd like to keep my copper...
Wonder if eventually some hobo is going to try scrapping the statue of liberty or something like that.
>>13197 >It doesn't really matter... I don't go on [..] etc >Everyone is stuck in their ways and I hear the same arguments. I'm not talking about that board or those posters, you keep deflecting to that I'm asking YOU to posit a somewhat original thought or opinion about anything, which you seem to struggle to do
>>13210 most of that is all in ETFs now which monetary policy is to attempt to ignore as much as possible wwwwww besides rates and (to a much lesser degree) bond issuance is all the policy can really control and neither really have much effect the Saudis have more control over the dollar value than the treasury does at this point (and everything that isn’t INSTEX is actually dollars)
>>13211 I don't understand why you care and what it has to do with anything that I was talking about What original idea do you want from me? Tell me what I'm supposed to say because I don't get what you're fishing for. What do you want from me ?
>>13214 I just don't understand. I made one comment that people on /tea/ say the same things about politics and it's annoying. What am I supposed to say?
and if you look at the FP market wow It is possible that there isn’t actually any money left and all the banks are bluffing through creative or deferred counting what the free market has decided is it wants NEOM >>13217 wwwwwwwwwww but even that requires ~some~ liquidity negative interest treasury dips is some desperation thrashing shit
plus all of that only really matters if growth is possible wwwwwwww which it isn’t anymore, all the stupid VC investments are starting to fall through and the crop failures are starting to come in more regularly so the only avenue is customer pricing (inflation) and thus the economic heat death doomspiral At least we have new sectors opening up in literal high-sea piracy
>>13215 >I just don't understand. I made one comment that people on [...] etc As mentioned numerous times by now, this a separate line of inquiry, stop deflecting to that over and over and over >>13213 >Tell me what I'm supposed to say because I don't get what you're fishing for. You're a PhD holder and you expect me to believe you're incapable of forming and stating an opinion about literally anything without extreme handholding?
Here, imagine it like this, you're making a random "tweet" about an issue you have an opinion on that you would defend if challenged
>>13216 Is Portugal's coastline well suited for piracy?
I meant in the US wwww big growth in the area of commandeering oil tankers recently
>>13218 I love my family and I would defend anyone saying otherwise. I love my close friends too and I would defend that too. I'm not sure what else I would defend.
I was being obtuse there, but I do not think any opinion I have about politics would constitute me bothering to defend. I think contractors for the government bleed the government dry, but if someone wants to argue for them, sure, I'll see what they think. I wouldn't try to defend my view point really. I think unions spend the majority of their time defending the worst of the worst employees and suck a company dry, but there are benefits for unions as well, such as denying companies from shafting employees and getting fairer wages. I think the government shouldn't intervene in economic and domestic affairs, but then you get monopolies and family abuse. I think communism/socialism is bad. There. I think that's one I would defend.
Just say you want to grill when asked about politics. That sums up your position and thats just fine.
Yeah, and this is why I don't bother talking about politics because fucks like you just generalize everything into a single stereotype.
You wrote a list of issues x,y,z and said "I can see both sides of x", "theres pros/cons to y" etc Most americans couldn't define communism/socialism in even a textbook sense at best, just that its bad because boomers on TV said so Generalizing there wasn't meant as an insult, just a simple way to wrap it up.
I read the manga of chainsaw man but I stopped caring after uh... I dunno, when everyone started attacking chainsaw man like santa claws and quanxi It became a typical anime story of the MC being OP and everyone trying to team up on him, everyone dies except him, and then the world is saved
>>13329 It is, but they can't actually check the player models on the server side effectively wwwww (especially with some of the encryption things they do) so as long as they don't go to public worlds and stick to friends there's plenty of gay loli sex
>>13337 Now you know how it feels to be vip every day
>>13339 There's a lot of completely non-h ones that cost a lot of money too wwwwwww can always keep on the lookout for rips on kemoparty or wherever run around with pirated loli sex avatar
>$1.30 really..? that's like nothing..
>13332 Despite my feelings of degeneracy, my main criticsms is that I didn't spot a cock on that lady person TwT
>13344 Costs less than a pack of condoms owo
wha.. what's with the one > I'm confused
Oh. I'm retarded. Sorry I meant to use double > but I forgot lmao
Oh I think I set a name! Sorry for any confusion, I rarely use these boards.
I had to look up who that was lol. He looks alright but definitely not my type.
boys are gross
Spoken from experience I take?
To be fair I should be criticized hard for my tastes. I adore the dumb ones :y
>>13357 no! they're cute! Especially slightly chubby asian boys~: just the perfect amount of meat and nice round butts
>>13360 Depends on the boy but in general I'd say yes!
>>13360 Take my money you slut! I lover average to slightly chubby boys! Although I'm a sucker for white boys 'cause white makes right.
dolls are the furthest i would go with 2d into 3d VR is the best way to experience 2d tbh
Oh, there was someone at the Anime Boston /cgl/ party that I was hosting that shouted Uh hold on We got a phone call from downstairs about a noise complaint and he grabbed the phone and shouted I FUCKING HATE NIGGERS It was funny In retrospect it was funny, but at the time we all freaked out like oh shit we gotta leave lool
>>13445 what the heck are those outlets, universal?
>>13478 China, they do not really have standards, and they make all the electronics, so they get all of the outlets to plug in all types of equipment they can get. At least the #d100 % of China that has electricity.
>The only way to not receive this emergency alert on your iPhone is to have the device completely powered off during the 30-minute window of the test. And there are some legitimate reasons as to why you might want to do this. “If anybody reading this has a second phone that you keep hidden from abusers, please turn that second phone off during the test so your abuser will not find out about it accidentally,” one user on Reddit explains. >For some it is a matter of survival.
> The male body (newhalf) has 1 large and 1 small penis (replaceable, please refer to the replacement video) going to keep laughing at this for a while
Make a login screen to bun where you have to affirm allegiance with Hamas to post
In the multifaceted landscape of Final Fantasy VII, the five prominent cities—Midgar, Junon, Costa del Sol, Nibelheim, and Wutai—conjure a narrative rich in socio-economic intricacies, reminiscent of our own world's geopolitical tensions.
Midgar, a towering citadel of technological marvels, echoes shades of Israel, its Upper Plate mirroring affluence while the slums below, akin to Palestine, languish in perpetual shadow amidst the palpable income disparity etched into the city's stratified social fabric.
Junon, a bustling port city, navigates the maritime currents of commerce, revealing a divide between those who prosper in the buoyant waves of economic affluence and those relegated to the periphery of maritime prosperity.
Costa del Sol, bathed in perpetual sunshine, masks its socio-economic complexities behind a facade of leisure, where beneath the sun-soaked veneer, class divisions simmer amidst the vacation ambiance.
Nibelheim, shrouded in a haunting mystique, carries echoes of a community scarred by tragedy, exposing the economic reverberations that persist through time, etching societal fractures into the very fabric of the town.
Wutai, amidst its historical grandeur and cultural richness, becomes a canvas reflecting economic disparities amidst aspirations for preservation, akin to regions marked by both historical opulence and contemporary challenges.
>>13627 love tied up kiggers with weird cocks >>13625 The domain name expired and I was able to buy it using script sniping a couple years ago okinan wanted to see what it was like back then too
probably just going to replace it with something of my own before that happens wwww been writing some backend software to create federated boards backed on venti but only really progressing when I don't get drunk off my tits at 5PM and watch old episodes of law and order until I pass out
It was an international race, idk if these were mounties but I'm pretty sure they were. You run across the bridge to Windsor and back to Detroit which is cool
And of course we needed some coney dogs I believe this was American Coney, not Lafayette Lafayette is the long narrow building and American Coney is the 70s lookin' place >>13671 what is a detroit style burger?? I know detroit pizza, that is absolutely yummy, big approve >>13672 pfff hahahaha I'll have to go to Quebec then
>>13667 if you type italic codepoints the text will be in italics.
>>13669 not even DETROIT STYLE BURGERs smh good old coney burgers w
>>13669 it's a burger that's covered in chili like a chili dog, but a burger They're only called DETROIT burgers in Quebec
I don't remember, was it Ottawa that's boring or is it Montreal? There's only like 10 cities in Canada, you'd think I'd remember...
hubba hubba gimme milkies daddy's dairies
This dad comes in with his kid and says he's here cuz his son hasn't slept in 4 days and when he asks the 3-y/o why, he points at his head and says "it hurts too bad!" ;_;
w awful
wwwwwwwwwwww change the markup to troff and have all the posts be generated by htmlroff now there's an awful idea
I gotta peeeeeeeeeeeeeee aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Well I am in This was the shortest wait I've done before I guess I'm waitin for the doc still but I'm in a room now
Hour later, doctor came in for 5 seconds and now its x-ray time
uhh vip what was the mod mincraf factory with the cirno machine in it i keep forgetting its name need to bookmark
VIPPER This one ww although it was a custom modpack oooh I updated JAVA on my actually good machine so I might be able to run the server with less lag wwwwww
we must cumtinue for nuclear cunny
oh i dont think i have the modpack anymore
>>13759 ;_; I'll set it up some time tomorrow to download
where noelster kinda miss em
bun, are you in boston right now?
If you are and bored, we're at boston shawarma near the MFA for the next few hours
>>13761 After this attempt to meet inaban I'm gone Leaving tea, tano, bun
And if you aren't around now, Perfect Blue ends in... Well, I dunno. But the movie starts at 2:30pm at the MFA. So if you wanna meet up, please say something or I'm just going back home afterwards.
>>13781 i am also confused why it reverted to http saying cert ded
Ah I was super busy in Boston. Hardly had time to eat or sleep since I was with a bunch of cosplayers. Lots of time scouting for photo locations and taking shots. Some people had some really nice genshin cosplays.
Go menasai noel I also didn't have any data for messaging. Probably was a mistake in hindsight.
>>13785 wow wow bun too busy having sex with genshin loli crossplayers to meet with noerru horrigble
Wow no wai I mean yeah there were a lot of crossplays. But I feel like most cosplays are female-male cosplays. Feels like girls like doing cosplays more than boys. A friend of mine did venti and her friend did Xiao. There was also a childe and zhongli crossplays with us.
We were up all night after the concert too. P busy night
awful, no teucer.
hmm that leaves chonkgyun for bun to cosplay w
rori v3 girlcyborg
>>13788 yeah only girls cosplay most of the male-female crossplays you see are also secretly girls
>>13792 waow not true lots of CJD boys! dressed as 2hus having boy sex! >>13794 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Shimakaze too
rori v3 girlcyborg
>>13793 thats not real crossplay the 2hus are all crossdressing boys so it’s boys cosplaying as boys
>the entire notion of a 'hot glue gun' as anything other than an object you put in your home to subliminally prepare yourself for sexual intercourse is absurd
forced to jerk off onto anime figurine at gunpoint
learned how classes worked in python today while helping a friend what a shit language she kept making mistakes due to indentation too you have to be insane to use this garbage
>>13862 damn it vipper i accidentally downloaded this image and i forgot about it until i accidentally flashed it to my cousin when showing her and her friend some pictures
we do not have paper bag laws here in portugal, you can just walk around slugging from a bottle of green wine
I'd like to see you in the secret place sometime, when it is convenient for your awakeness times There is a picture of something in Iberia I'd like you to get
uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I mean I don't think that happens when I'm still here wwwwwww
I think you should consider it strongly
maybe I should just change the time on it but uh I don't remember how 2 login from here w
re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re fucking birdd come baaaaack >>14176 missed so much good things need to catch up to jerking off to it and let us watch reeee
reeeee I'm in europe I'm going 2 cum and rape you Rreeeer ere reee
uhhhhh dont you have to not act weird online like sayin ur gunna rape someone if you want to meet them irl
>>14181 depends on the person some people won't meet you unless you tell them you're going to rape them wwwwwwww like bird and my mutual girlboyfriend ~
fuck butt ass gay sex aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
why dont you use grindr aka monkeypox delivery app
>>14213 no... reeee come back 2 gaysex zone ;_; girlfriend is meeting up with someone to have sex today or tomorrow I think wish it was you instead reeeee
hmm kidnapping and forcible kigufication perhaps
wao i want a hutao
>>14217 used hutao for sale, cheap man’s you gotta do the rocket jump puzzle fucking torture crawl