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Mon Eat world tree and lie all day Tue Glory to Tyr all day Wed Oh mighty Wotan all day Thu Quarta-feira all day Fri Take it easy all day Sat Filter Friday 01:00 Sun Take it easy all day
works best with
/bun/ - #14322 Bottom Expand Images
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (234 KB, 768x1024)113790956_p0.jpg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (209 KB, 745x1000)jiii~.jpg TWO get
I can't believe you beat Mr2GetLikesTo2GET
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (606 KB, 900x1200)0BC32414-968F-414E-819C-44B4AF194126.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (481 KB, 836x900)CA209460-E75F-484C-9AF5-EF022893F236.png
does anyone have the picture of the kigu with the padlock
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (161 KB, 720x1280)kigger want fried chicken.jpg >>14333 probably but I can't easily find it
i've seen such a thing more than once, just don't think I ever saved it w
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (138 KB, 1200x802)0da2e35428201587bdc22191dfd1dc(…)jpg >>14333 What do you need it for?
Greetings from sturdychan, a fellow meguca board
You got groomable cute boys there too?
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (1.2 MB, 1223x1100)GJDaSXSbsAI8c_u.jpg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (65 KB, 780x1144)14EDE363-8374-4B9B-8B0D-1F5843653C48.jpeg
>>14338 We have cute groom-able boys here?
>>14365 well, we used to have more but I see one right now~
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (2.5 MB, 5000x3181)1695950527796758.jpg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (353 KB, 1722x2048)EDCCB8D8-F27B-4602-BE9B-7C7D084D4DAF.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (492 KB, 2682x4096)976AF27C-84A3-4A64-9E30-14946F0B7B49.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (108 KB, 1000x1400)74358D4E-B335-4E02-AF0F-9298AFBBDECD.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (579 KB, 1088x1090)117201540_p0.png
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (534 KB, 3760x3224)7FF57807-538A-445D-BA41-F7370A3FFD7F.jpeg I
wao no spoiler?
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (3.3 MB, 2100x2970)2711604506980a787712266f1988a8(…)png boobs
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (267 KB, 2048x2048)7D3DE08B-DFD8-4718-8D3A-04E9F1EA584A.jpeg
Ten wow
sex with kuro
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (275 KB, 2000x2000)FkT38eRaUAAmPDa.jpg >>14404 so many boys watching us have boyboy gaysex
vips desync all the lurkweirdos and bots
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (159 KB, 1338x1123)GJvHZsNbIAANmz0.jpg lindyman in the lindyland
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (202 KB, 1428x2048)19DF3553-D544-44D1-9F90-A2AA324F85C3.jpeg
u149 haru
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (115 KB, 900x1270)72EF8416-BE82-4248-94BB-21C76A29F1BE.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (49 KB, 587x393)48934381_p0.png vop
>>14420 fensh
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (137 KB, 1328x1184)GJw2-dUWQAAPUHD.jpg I want to minecraft but all the modpacks are bad these days ree
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (253 KB, 1665x1469)GJhykztaUAAFwNk.jpg huto!
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (128 KB, 900x1004)F8F16722-C15D-4D79-8B59-EB407BF3120E.jpeg >[16] shells from a 30 aught six blackhawk flew through a hole in the sky
Tuna pictured
>>14438 Youre making out with him ?!
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (19 KB, 574x574)9145.gif >[4] RIP ghosts
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (1.8 MB, 886x1008)mpv_69nKcyl1gJ.png >>14438
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (187 KB, 2048x1528)456F2B3E-F06E-4285-9860-C640B79A3DE3.jpeg
Basil is cute
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (266 KB, 2150x2615)3BA079F7-0E78-434E-B84D-688070450888.jpeg >>14454 inabun basil cosplay when?
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (41 KB, 300x300)oh.jpg i'll think about it
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (231 KB, 1816x2048)155353FE-4513-4335-BAA4-F747A5596777.jpeg >>14459 bunzel!
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (75 KB, 574x574)9149.gif
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (9 KB, 588x288)00A3FC2B-A418-4D79-BF57-7D96F4503E60.gif
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (171 KB, 1095x1748)A85D1C94-A826-4D92-AF10-ABE01B18F0D5.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (251 KB, 1240x1754)53296C8B-90F5-40D1-8B2C-03518719120E.jpeg
>>14499 sasuga boymeidobun
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (3.7 MB, 2894x4093)grooming.jpg buns future
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (369 KB, 1440x1920)F3F0E108-DC37-4797-9CB5-5129103CA0CE.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (4.2 MB, 3072x4096)EA361257-6994-453F-B4D6-CA0F070B206A.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (45 KB, 513x607)6CFABCB4-1544-438D-AE94-F78B4E288A69.jpeg
Where are the bunssss
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (348 KB, 718x442)55A622C9-7677-43BF-A992-53B288C6E142.png I am owed a great bunning from all the Buns that stood here before!
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (171 KB, 1244x2048)E9A69B03-B4DA-4B45-ADF0-9B4331E8D4AA.jpeg
>>14518 became victims of communism
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (847 KB, 4093x2894)91F2785C-13EB-4022-B410-B1F6E67AA74E.jpeg >>14523 rip
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (376 KB, 1242x2208)12AF333C-5C6A-46DB-9629-2F5CD2D13D40.png Murdered by government agents;____;please come back
maybe I'll just go back to bed then
>>14527 really don't like this ;_;
>>14527 please
didn't even see his parting message ;___;
>>14533 NO EXISTcome back to DMs somewhere, IRC/matrix/twitter somewhere ;_____;
;_____________________; don't leave..
i left went 2 saitama saitama saitamaaaaaaaaaa
cum back from saitama ;_;
Cum 2 hole
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (299 KB, 2290x2290)1B20DE68-B29B-4A6A-825E-DEF51CDAB8F8.jpeg
Cum back 2 unatco
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (112 KB, 650x925)409E5AE5-F4BA-4A3E-BDEF-72243C2D94D1.jpeg ;_;
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (1.2 MB, 4096x2731)2A8B17EE-A4AC-43B2-A2D1-2F50BD618925.jpeg Cooooome baaaaaaack
awake but bird still gone
I got to meet a real life kigu the other day while I was barely clothed it was interesting
>>14554 hot were they also barely clothed?
wait where was this? I stalk so many kigs on twitter I might be able to tell which one from that w
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (660 KB, 2008x2229)04c751393a6ae588.jpg
need to get topped by a kig w
hmmmm wait boykig or girlkig w
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (420 KB, 600x570)D346DE1B-1E99-42C3-9F41-6C5C14E741DA.png boysex with bird ;_; comeback
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (450 KB, 1365x2048)98139167-9CAE-45E8-89E4-754A75070B43.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (132 KB, 1142x1493)FC274706-009F-4E9E-981A-89673B3E9B8B.jpeg Birb
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (402 KB, 761x948)117907916_p0.png
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (245 KB, 1200x1673)boy.jpg >>14573 excuse me agent, this is a shotacon board
bots have learned how to spam comments and nameless told me there weren't any before what a baka>>14577 rember i asked why fufu had thread creation disabled you said spam i asked but what about comments but now they know how to comment
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (255 KB, 1240x1754)D4C0BF8F-D5EA-49D6-A242-B6D3C6DEE67C.jpeg Shota board
>>14576 eeeh? There were a lot of bird before hostus kept fucking with us back in the day because of it
>>14576 ah wwwww yeah the Ones that can reply are rarer than the ones that only know how to make new threads
who or how i was on a textboard created 3 days ago and even there they spammed 3 days!!!
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (735 KB, 721x685)BCBF4423-DA38-410A-8794-703F00055905.png >>14580 waow a new text board?! in this year?!>>14582 think they parse the HTML or rendered page for post buttons
do they hunt for php tb/ib code or what
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (315 KB, 1536x2048)BB7E394E-58D2-45CA-821D-A8729E33FA31.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (131 KB, 933x1886)GLyNX3WaAAE83gS.jpg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (125 KB, 937x1309)ima_bed7bdf.jpeg bugger is so abusable
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (486 KB, 2000x2100)F2hONwXbQAALPXB.jpg shotas are god's most rapeable creatures
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (1.3 MB, 1920x1920)GL2LyWNaIAAG163.jpg rushin in 2 a hard day at the lighting shota on fire factory
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (747 KB, 2000x2000)96439613_p0.jpg
>>14588 fosh
Just saw a full body cocogoat car wrap on a shitty Camry
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (106 KB, 1000x1414)GLyYUOxaAAAIurG.jpg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (296 KB, 1536x2048)FC6D5C82-0475-48FC-AD8C-9396D341A22A.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (311 KB, 2048x2032)065594C8-5F59-4772-8AA7-140C92F720F2.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (1.1 MB, 3072x4096)048D1E92-6F24-4D17-9B37-CAB4AFD2EFE3.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (394 KB, 2000x2000)C6E4C7ED-5609-47AF-9C68-F3F9D744A119.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (9 KB, 529x39)ssss.PNG aaaaaaaaaaaa I need this to happen
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (21 KB, 1292x99)cmake args.PNG we love buildsystems, don't we folks
>>14617 want bird to come back to gc with us ;_;
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (335 KB, 680x453)hida-given.png
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (30 KB, 234x382)30039306.jpg wao
>>14624 gay
Saw the new homo movie today pretty good need a fujo gf
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (81 KB, 1280x1280)easy onimai.jpg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (1023 B, 96x96)8-bit inaba.png you say that but then ur socks chest is suddenly full of BL vidya and all you ever catch her reading is smutty BL
>>14631 where's the downside?
>>14631 wwwwwwwww have you been forced to cosplay as BL Eroge characters yet? and then kiss other boys w
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (429 KB, 1338x2500)GMrDYpCXIAAvDVq.jpg
>>14637 read that as jerking off to death grips try jerking off to death grips it's good
>>14638 wwwww I mean I did do loli porn stream with death grips on in the background before pretty good
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (108 KB, 540x600)36173919_p0.jpg >>14631 i still have your sock image
>>14642 bun reads a doujin.mp3 with sock as thr coverart
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (108 KB, 957x1350)1E970FE2-E8D9-489D-9166-6112CDAAE6EA.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (1023 B, 96x96)8-bit inaba.png why even dis?
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (200 KB, 1880x1492)BDB7EEE2-E971-4FA1-8373-97B5A4437BF9.jpeg >>14646 bape
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (1.7 MB, 4032x3024)26644F34-74A1-4F7E-AE34-8014E8DB1DE1.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (352 KB, 1367x2048)CB2BD677-A82B-49C3-8BB9-0B02D1C2CAB4.jpeg
would you rather be a kigu or have a doll?
Kigu fucking a doll
ew d
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (311 KB, 2815x2640)07BD1B6E-FFDD-4B35-8BA8-247C9AAE70A6.jpeg >>14653 no! It’s cute! big anime girl fucking a small one!
incestvipper pls
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (274 KB, 587x392)da6984a134618340.png !!!
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (214 KB, 1518x1862)GM_jJY_aIAApY3M.jpg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (103 KB, 503x882)GJsVDjCagAAv0sx.png give me cute boys ree
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (591 KB, 552x717)58421119_p11.png >>14663 awaaaaaaa
>>14665 rip tuna rip sacambasps
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (321 KB, 1365x2048)GMq3RNia8AA0VPV.jpg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (176 KB, 1280x1707)C5AHTXN~_}S~V1@HFJ@3MC_tmb.jpg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (105 KB, 841x709)D2AF05A5-2E11-481A-8B26-2BD89ED12F58.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (43 KB, 768x768)GNbV2xVawAAzsHQ.jpg
Hutao = cute
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (505 KB, 1536x2048)GNn1kd5aAAAnnFC.jpg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (264 KB, 1337x2048)F_1xnKfacAAOaB2.jpg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (172 KB, 427x1750)GAPNAiTWkAAVupC.jpg
... accidentally yanked out the internet cable
Gimme the fucking link for the main chat. You know what I mean. Too drunk to keep searching.For now..... Pls VIPPER-sama.
Here's my email, for the sight. Idk why, but instinct tells me that I want you to delete these two posts by me. After you fucking email me of course <3. I genuinely miss you guys. Life is better, but it's lonelier in a way. Site*
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (73 KB, 780x890)96243B50-E7EF-467B-A869-F84C92156242.jpeg wow wow eow aniki sent
But you'd didnt ddelete those two (now three) posts.
4 including yours. Now 5 iincluding those This*
MEET .Y Ddemands ....that was ssupposed to be " MEET MY DEMANDS", but whate er Thank you for still giving me a warm wwelcome. I wI'll be back, it's jjust that i was literll Literally about to give a aw Warning, because last ttime, I ffelt my post was giving " Oh he can't move on/living in the imageboard post. I dunno. I jJust felt like a unwelcome tryhard
Thanks for sharing thigh I will be back
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (247 KB, 1847x2048)D4E431B2-08D3-4E1F-8730-3A224124382E.jpeg
The wire is so good
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (70 KB, 1280x720)bm0qc6l.jpg Just when I think they won't even rremember me, they tey to puk Try to pull a fast one.. [Soo [ Failed so hard, may as well nor ffinish the post. I'll just say I hAvent been back Because I ffelt lIke everyone though I couldnt move on past imageboards Everything I pposted, I was nagged by sense of "you can do better", you're capable, bUT there's ssomething mmissing where you can fit in anywhere. I ssuspect that ssomething May have jjust bbeen self love. But hell, if Idk, I'm f going to bed . I aappreciate your guys so much, I do Nt think you uunderstand. Aalso how much I miss you bUT also am tryinh to 1 Trying to mmake it through
Jesus I was ddrunk
>>14703 The HBO show? Or the Lain thing
good posts kirk>>14706 The HBO show with lance reddik
Thanks VIP. The name's Kiki now btw
waow cool
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (466 KB, 1240x1754)58207512_p0.jpg >>14703 its true omar walkin
what da fuck did I do
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (141 KB, 640x770)658019F4-5A92-4BA2-A263-4C5C9D91A57D.png
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (332 KB, 788x1000)GMhd_ACbcAA9P9a.jpg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (43 KB, 768x768)GNbV2xVawAAzsHQ.jpg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (529 KB, 1200x900)1714767465335204.jpg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (567 KB, 1502x1686)FuPGBGxakAABYe2.jpg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (259 KB, 1466x2032)7C310115-2693-4FA0-B9C2-711980C57B74.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (82 KB, 894x1200)GOnTNywXkAAAHJJ.jpg fixed the cert again
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (800 KB, 1370x772)kill me.PNG Back on my bullshit.
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (213 KB, 1240x1754)9253AB50-D217-4E32-9944-7912A8727F3D.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (474 KB, 1000x1000)spoiler1.png
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (37 KB, 780x1118)tkmiz flan.jpg sausagea
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (370 KB, 1536x1024)5130D77E-B110-4308-ADC2-3CE65218B85D.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (362 KB, 1979x2048)3E55B121-9C33-4E89-BB11-CBEDC7E85C76.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (173 KB, 1069x1754)C1390DD5-52BC-45A5-AE1B-2FD579E434FA.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (658 KB, 2605x4096)B7ECDC85-B9CC-4B92-9B45-8A2E1377488A.jpeg Boooooys
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (390 KB, 1657x2296)39445611_p0.jpg boys arent real
>>14769 yrs they are! ive seen them!! I need to tie some of them up in my basement
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (378 KB, 1215x2157)CAE95635-FB5E-4649-A00B-3C9E1A10BC6B.jpeg
Tuna not real
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (1.3 MB, 1800x2000)AAB33D12-1E82-4BCC-ABBC-8A7CA7258463.png Tuna piano
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (201 KB, 1813x2047)7B8A0B8D-62A8-4988-9690-D6E2E4F1AFA3.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (1004 KB, 1386x1955)0AD33A1E-691A-4312-A6F9-416F59967BEF.jpeg
Power went out, now I have to reboot my cluster rip
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (510 KB, 2388x1668)E546CBB3-E5AB-4821-BA30-6228D55A380F.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (375 KB, 2048x1434)d19496ac5d805c37.jpg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (684 KB, 1061x2048)mahirl2.jpg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (1.2 MB, 3500x3330)87E3ED08-1362-4888-9DCB-600CA61E6977.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (456 KB, 1504x2048)BE16E84F-947C-4E35-A548-9DCBF6FC8CB8.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (98 KB, 879x1199)GQ7NbPZbwAMEbH1.jpg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (37 KB, 780x1118)tkmiz flan.jpg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (254 KB, 1254x882)0D15297D-7E41-4C76-8CB2-1B2FEB175798.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (482 KB, 680x534)3802F3B3-3293-4B94-89CA-7C4AD5881A94.png
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (456 KB, 1280x1910)25.jpg every month is gay pride month
>>14828 Rika Furude: sexual animal
inabun: sexual animal
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (1.4 MB, 928x1080)fuck.PNG a new mihoyo game, a new nutbladder extinction event
I don't normally care for blondes but Lucy just hits different. Must be the booty shorts. All the hoyo characters I like wear them
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (1.1 MB, 1146x1600)800F6F8D-7CBD-469D-BAC9-4572A8A46253.jpeg Booty shorts and the pike helm and the mesugaki bat w
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (296 KB, 1448x2048)6C41AC29-1D4C-43C8-B54F-BEBE5A68A615.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (243 KB, 1448x2048)08694B35-D203-4D71-952A-2941114FA219.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (267 KB, 1448x2048)DFBA61C6-BBF5-433E-B9C8-5673DDB178FD.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (271 KB, 1048x1200)IMG_6640.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (869 KB, 2480x3508)1699798533632.jpg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (116 KB, 819x1254)IMG_6685.jpeg This is a boy
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (71 KB, 586x1199)GQ07Z9FbcAAVhvg.jpg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (262 KB, 2048x1248)IMG_6734.jpeg Jesus tittyfucking christ
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (111 KB, 1340x2048)IMG_6829.jpeg Tsoog
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (339 KB, 2048x1952)IMG_6885.jpeg Lucy…
Hawt Mesugaki pls
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (129 KB, 593x889)IMG_6902.jpeg Endless sex
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (1.6 MB, 1920x1080)cam on england score some goals.PNG finally rolled her!
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (105 KB, 1216x832)IMG_6940.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (112 KB, 768x1024)IMG_6973.jpeg
up in heaven (not only here)
>>14885 Late vip
>>14908 h i>>14909 no u I'm doing F2P
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (18 KB, 588x288)3919.gif
vip tell it how it is dawg hows it hanging?
>>14920 endless minecraft and also work
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (217 KB, 915x1280)IMG_7115.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (105 KB, 1040x936)netbsd.png
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (470 KB, 1323x2048)IMG_7211.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (87 KB, 862x1200)encouragement of terrorism.jpg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (264 KB, 1662x2189)GN-GzELW4AAi6if.jpg Firefox not enjoy cgroup bastard
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (324 KB, 840x1200)inari aiburation 01-011.png
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (267 KB, 1362x2048)IMG_7368.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (161 KB, 540x795)IMG_7398.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (143 KB, 706x548)IMG_7397.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (75 KB, 499x749)IMG_7393.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (752 KB, 1821x2579)1723296952633543.jpg
Where are the goblins
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (311 KB, 1466x1980)IMG_7464.jpeg Where are the buns bring them back reeee
Albunricht, king of the nibunlungen oh my kingdom for a bun
Where did Noel go and all the other buns too ;_; Felty posted here a few times too so many people I haven’t talked to in years
Bird… anyone…
I wonder where Midori went at at least I’ve seen rori tuna and bun recently no one really posts ok that other place either ;_;
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (89 KB, 768x1024)FhfuxE-UAAAZAA6.jpg didn't fucking sleep overdosing on caffine I think I should fix the board software and then harass all the buns on steam I think
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (828 KB, 4096x2259)F6dUaftaAAAXFiB.jpg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (94 KB, 960x378)buns of the past.PNG I don't remember at all how most of these names map to what I remember them as also I guess nala cut ties with a bunch of people and left everywhere /bun/ related
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (110 KB, 1319x2001)FjUKxDDVEAEYYii.jpg I wonder what happened to those brazilian homos that used to hang out here ;_______; maybe it's some sort of stress related mental break but I keep looking at old threads and posts and missing people>>4103 ➡ where have all the buns gone ;_;
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (159 KB, 953x700)EhIqNiGVoAEDrXH.jpg gonna leave work early and go to sleep I think still gonna be longing for buns but maybe then I can do something about it instead of being completely scatterbrained buns, oh all the old posts are still in redis I guess, or at least most of them? seems to be ~2000 missing, mostly <1000 not the images of course, but I think they're still on the worm
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (189 KB, 474x474)1626795004721.jpg bring the buns back hooooooome
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (132 KB, 533x800)FNf4BwkakAQBkdD.jpg do you remember vera-bunnnnnnnnn
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (768 KB, 3226x2078)F34-U3aaUAArECK.jpg where have they goooooone
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (258 KB, 1536x2048)IMG_7338.jpeg An audience of bun
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (3.8 MB, 4032x3024)IMG_7478.jpeg New bridge they threw this up in like a month
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (378 KB, 1254x882)ima_5184839.jpeg
hmm, probably going to have to run that on its own box wwww
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (123 KB, 569x781)IMG_7474.png
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (128 KB, 430x643)thisisafilename.jpeg Buns
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (683 KB, 800x1105)104647153_p0.png Suddenly, a favicon (re)appeared!
A classic one! Old spoiler images too. Updating the software from the version /bun/ was on originally to the version /bun/ was on when it crashed that one time!
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (1.0 MB, 957x1462)112119716_p0.png But the new post favicon is still a Syaku.
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (2.1 MB, 1720x2428)89644408_p0.png wwwwwww trying to get more people to post too
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (113 KB, 1181x1748)GNDvheSaEAAdsM1.jpg Everyone should do their part pestering random people to post here.
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (23 KB, 500x697)F9mWoZUaMAAQDGo.png wwwwwwwwwww
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (173 KB, 744x1052)IMG_7316.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (296 KB, 1200x1450)1447808927804.jpg bunses
>>14991 Wao I rmbr dis
>>14995 wwwwwwwwww there's a bunch of stuff in here that probably should not have actually been pushed to github by you phobie.mp3 wwwwwwww several copies of pirated minecraft wwwwwwwwwwwwww
I have a Github?
>lewd Oh no...
>>14998 sasuga lewdaban
played ZZZ for a few days, but there really doesn't seem to be much going on in it doesn't help that I actually liked the game they're obviously aping this time w
I'm working right now on pushing the version of the software to what's in that repo instead of this older version too but it means moving to a different VM because hyper-V is SHIT probably a bit more stable after that too and coffee will actually work properly instead of being a cludged cronscript
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (103 KB, 500x450)bun dicks.jpg bring more buns to me make them making posts glory to the newbun
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (2 KB, 140x140)images.jpg every day is filter friday in heaven
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (3.6 MB, 3900x3000)inabun at his work.jpeg inabun on /coffee/ pictured
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (260 KB, 1080x1440)FQjhpLhaAAAD16k.jpg bynguluars
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (328 KB, 800x1000)GMheI7lasAA6_CV.jpg bring the buns to heel
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (286 KB, 1365x2048)IMG_7484.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (622 KB, 2048x1595)IMG_7411.jpeg
Lot of rabbit 2night
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (3.4 MB, 4032x3024)IMG_7503.jpeg The orb was going
test ok
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (351 KB, 1000x674)tsug among.jpg
uh ??????????
ok, it will sync now but the cat won't leave
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (457 KB, 1680x1043)1723771145528.jpg
newer linux kernel versions are too buggy to turn up a new server waow
might work with exactly the latest one wwwwwwwwww great softwaring
>>15035 eh!? also do you have the spinning plop loading gif? Doesn’t seem to be on archive
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (353 KB, 480x480)The-circle-of-nyaaaaaaaaaa.gif This?
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (311 KB, 600x600)The-circle-of-RABU.gif Or this one?
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (311 KB, 600x600)1723916474637.gif oh no its multiplying
>>15041 that one but without the text
and also the background was transparent.
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (431 KB, 2000x2000)IMG_7587.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (338 KB, 1550x1385)IMG_6676.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (♫, 05s, 226 KB, 524x361)pantsu!.webm Pretty sure Kiririn made that one.
>>15053 RIP images working, just need to do with now
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (267 KB, 480x480)1723916461003.gif hmm that's not quite right
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (267 KB, 480x480)1723916461003.gif
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (267 KB, 480x480)ploop.gif
#plop (10) Logins fixed!added me and bun wwwwww
Certificate autorenewal added as well
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (414 KB, 1496x774)IMG_0389.png
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (1.1 MB, 1280x720)IMG_0106.png
hmm something's wrong in the node stack works running as root but net.js crashes if it's an unpriv user
waow the theme is no longer white
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (1.1 MB, 1280x720)riding jeepaban.png wwwwwwwwwwww yeah there's the bug fuck it, not using this for anything else, might as well just set it to go as root RIDING JEEPABAN
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (123 KB, 1000x1668)lana.jpg oh, it didn't crash after uploading an image this time
it did crash after uploading an image oh yeah no that's the issue I was talking about must be some sort of limits thing
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (164 KB, 1403x1800)Fm-FuVEaEAEWJpB.jpg Now let's see if it works with the daemon script There we go!
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (168 KB, 450x607)Made.png wao >>15149
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (3 KB, 89x85)IMG_0499.png !!!!!
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (1.3 MB, 1110x931)1591300441482.png hallo
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (228 KB, 900x1200)GTdhaoYagAAHHpT.jpeg wow a nonymous
i just forgot to tyoe the name in lole
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (83 KB, 1055x745)IMG_7594.jpeg A phobret!
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (11 KB, 115x177)princess-2.png
Princess phobbr
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (♫, 45s, 1.7 MB, 400x224)Phobie, smoobert, and Bozo.webm heh
Leezurd… wonder where he went
bet he's still smooching people like the slut he is
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (255 KB, 500x469)IMG_8793.png www
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (56 KB, 768x768)IMG_5449.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (109 KB, 1889x1333)IMG_9832.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (3.4 MB, 4032x3024)IMG_7503.jpeg Orb was running the other night
time to ponder
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (102 KB, 682x823)IMG_7575.png Tsug wit da cruise missile
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (2.5 MB, 4032x3024)IMG_7617.jpeg Lots of cooling tower here
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (5.2 MB, 4032x3024)IMG_7632.jpeg Pear
roggu in
wow daijoubu has changed it's no longer about daijoubus
You can daijoub here if you want
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (1.1 MB, 1280x720)riding jeepaban.png It's time for you, to daijoub.
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (21 KB, 758x424)IMG_7518.png
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (87 KB, 805x1185)GJIlyRmaoAAVo39.jpg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (4.5 MB, 3150x3150)F_furjLWcAAUIEJ.jpg bunses
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (1.6 MB, 4032x3024)IMG_7646.jpeg Tsugular lunch
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (121 KB, 768x1024)IMG_0271.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (95 KB, 1095x1078)IMG_6321.jpeg >>15111
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (179 KB, 444x444)IMG_0019.png
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (198 KB, 589x400)dedbun.png bring me buns bring them here
>>15108 baesil>>15112
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (340 KB, 765x663)IMG_7595.png >>15111 him
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (1.5 MB, 1273x1940)IMG_6301.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (206 KB, 715x1000)IMG_9847.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (242 KB, 1177x2048)IMG_7446.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (92 KB, 600x630)IMG_5117.png
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (822 KB, 1623x999)IMG_7663.jpeg
G (♫, 06m16s, 7.4 MB, 480x480)blabs.ogg There we go, coverless MP3s, webp, ogg, and opus should work.
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (33 KB, 480x480)mp3cover.png wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
G (♫, 03m22s, 3.5 MB, 1046x1161)kill.mp3
#plop (11) #explosion aww
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (143 KB, 1518x1075)IMG_0863.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (237 KB, 500x600)IMG_0074.png
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (33 KB, 128x128)stalin yukkuri.png
G (♫, 01m33s, 24.3 MB, 1280x720)少女終末旅行のトリビア [sm40435037].mp4
hmm doesn't expand properly still
still works if you open in new tab at least
Hmm not quite right
G (♫, 02m09s, 5.0 MB, 640x360)riven.mp4 There we go
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (2.1 MB, 2480x2037)puffplop.png I still have all my old images saved. Funny.
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (118 KB, 637x900)yukkuri with legs.jpg wwwwwwww I opened up my old PC today to look for those but somehow it jumps right from 2014 to 2018 and there's only a couple bun related things in there they must all be on my old school computer
Well, if I'm being honest all of my images from back then are only on my phone because the drive I saved all my images to died and I both didn't do a backup and wasn't able to recover anything. But at least they're there on my phone. Only weird thing is I remember posting with those images but I could've sworn I changed the filenames but most of them are still danbooru file names. Oh well.
wwwwwwwww I never named my files, still don't really. They're all either unix/4chan naming or twitter names. Except a few making fun of people. Turned it off after looking but there was one puff oneThat 2hu Miko crossdressing one wwwwww
wwww even know I still get those kind of jokes about me can't escape >>15143
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (217 KB, 960x720)1724172844489.jpg wwwwwwwwwwwwww there it is>>15142 Hmm, I guess you were on that relationship map being gay for sui and/or yasu
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (310 KB, 1547x2048)__toyosatomimi_no_miko_touhou_(…).jpg Phone isn't playing nice so I guess I'll just grab some new ones. Been meaning to go collect Mikos again. Also that relationship map is a throwback. Can hardly remember what the context was around it anymore. >>15145
>>15144 Let me see if I remember Top left to top right I think it's: maria, hazy + glasser, yasu, kirin, kiki, eku, smobert me, (forget the name, 19 years old and also a VIPPER), ohio, phobie nala+cabbage, ahoge, bun, you no clue, sui tuna, stuco, cannie I vaguely remember an updated version, but I don't have it wwwwww>>15146
>>15145 wwww Impressive you remember all that.
wwwwwww might be easier just because I made it Who that burger is and what the name of the KLK poster was are going to bug me though oh the burger might be Sayo?
Too bad we don't have the archives(?) it'd be kinda fun to go back and read everything again. >>15149
>>15148 This nerd >>15068 still has them www At least between the end and what the retention was set to at that point, I think before that might be lost? There was another guy who briefly hosted the site in 2018 or so that put it up with all the archives, but I don't know what happened to him, okinan? I think. Someone named Noel was here, and felty for a while, but neither have posted in a good long time. I met up with Noel even wwww Don't have contact for him at all though, I think he was quitting the internet and going innawods or something.
ah yes the classic innawoods many have been lost contact with due to such proclivities I'm not gonna spellcheck that I kinda kept talking to rori and nala for a while after I stopped visiting sites like these but talks kinda stopped things seemed good last I remembered though by the way is here or the other site more used or are they both equally ded >>15151
to be honest though it's been years since then so you might be more up to date than me www like I didn't even know that particular bit of information you just dropped about rori also not like we can't take this conversation over
>>>/coffee/ time wwwww
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (164 KB, 1240x1754)IMG_6506.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (127 KB, 724x1020)IMG_7689.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (189 KB, 474x474)1626795004721.jpg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (853 KB, 2503x4096)1698948479272448.jpg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (5.6 MB, 3840x2160)111222872_p0.png >>15160 hello>>15161
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (207 KB, 768x768)121696613_p0.jpg sushigirl visitor here >>15159
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (81 KB, 726x1024)GBJzqtWbEAA3HRO.jpg >>15159 hi!!
G (♫, 10s, 333 KB, 640x360)greatdeal.mp4
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (168 KB, 1600x1600)GNn8GmQaIAEy5iG.jpg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (198 KB, 589x400)IMG_7653.png
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (151 KB, 1026x2048)IMG_7684.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (363 KB, 2048x2046)GAqPOQObsAA2JYt.jpg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (67 KB, 703x473)IMG_3309.png
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (225 KB, 1920x1080)IMG_7215.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (2.1 MB, 2480x2037)puffplop.png it's pretty lonely these days
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (1023 B, 96x96)8-bit inaba.png only if you want it to be >>15175
>>15174 waow it’s inabun! I mean, I’d prefer it not to be, but I was just about to go to bed www>>15177
Puff was here! oh I remembered who that guy was, that I couldn’t remember in the relationship chart: Rin! haven’t spoken to him in years wwwww>>15177 oyasumibun hope you come back soon
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (128 KB, 400x400)Inabun (2).png >>15175 wow me2>>15176
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (99 KB, 1280x722)FUWJzKYVEAANvJu.jpg bun morning
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (1.3 MB, 1920x1920)GL2LyWNaIAAG163.jpg bun midday
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (75 KB, 900x885)lycccly-1382022940628115457-20(…).jpg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (46 KB, 1535x1087)FZi6dKqakAA-dtz.jpg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (1.3 MB, 2660x2224)Em8scpcUYAEidto.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (770 KB, 4096x2334)IMG_3341.jpeg
lonely huh
who's lonely >>15187
>>15186 The mountain from Hobbit
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (249 KB, 1549x2048)IMG_7122.jpeg
Baesil meido! >>15190
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (460 KB, 788x878)IMG_6520.png >>15189 boergorl is so cute
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (231 KB, 1816x2048)IMG_3739.jpeg Brergagl
Aubrey is best girl >>15193
>>15192 sasuga bun Hmm where’s that bisexual blowjob picture with the Omori girls and boys
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (287 KB, 1992x3556)ima8822904615451032635.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (50 KB, 1535x1087)IMG_1357.jpeg Oyasumi buns
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (55 KB, 400x400)1618099797852.jpg awaken buns
No buns allowed Kinshi! >>15198
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (198 KB, 589x400)dedbun.png >>15197 forbidden buns
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (1.1 MB, 1280x720)riding jeepaban.png
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (31 KB, 720x775)FNf2_V6VkAcharb.jpg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (98 KB, 879x1199)GQ7NbPZbwAMEbH1.jpg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (217 KB, 1212x1136)GI8RBRAakAA5Pto.jpg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (21 KB, 758x424)sadbread.png fri-day!
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (1.1 MB, 2847x3796)budd dwyer.jpg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (159 KB, 1279x1716)IMG_7757.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (342 KB, 2032x2048)IMG_7759.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (323 KB, 1448x2048)IMG_7765.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (362 KB, 1536x2048)GBbPzhkaUAArLAk.jpg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (134 KB, 400x400)tkmiz cumming.png
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (637 KB, 1536x2048)IMG_7780.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (20 KB, 500x313)IMG_6009.jpeg #plop (12) nightbuns.
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (225 KB, 2048x2048)20240822_144845.jpg >>15216
>>15215 pribber!
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (145 KB, 2048x1152)IMG_7777.jpeg Buns
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (592 KB, 2048x1891)IMG_7776.jpeg Wake up
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (193 KB, 300x100)banner-0.gif #plop (13)
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (448 KB, 2035x1297)IMG_7762.jpeg
Dragged down by the bu~n
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (348 KB, 1203x882)IMG_7742.png Only a stranger on buuuuuun
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (296 KB, 1457x2047)IMG_6002.jpeg When you lose buntroll you’ll reap the harvest you have sewn
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (47 KB, 601x423)IMG_0579.jpeg Everybody birthday this week
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (89 KB, 1161x2048)IMG_5827.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (198 KB, 589x400)IMG_7653.png
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (697 KB, 1920x1080)IMG_0163.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (2.2 MB, 3300x3000)IMG_2276.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (116 KB, 1200x849)tsug chromatic.jpg
night boons
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (16 KB, 1200x1200)IMG_7829.png Bun morning
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (200 KB, 839x2048)IMG_7811.jpeg Snub
Just saw a shikanoko with smol horns >>15239
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (360 KB, 1200x849)IMG_7844.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (5.5 MB, 4032x3024)IMG_7849.jpeg >>15237 look at him go
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (259 KB, 1447x2048)IMG_3315.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (157 KB, 1600x1979)E76lExWVEAUqVne.jpg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (1.8 MB, 2543x3368)FMak15QWUAUJdjC.jpg moshimoshi>>15243 Hai!
hai >>15242
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (133 KB, 1600x1000)IMG_6323.jpeg
one day it will all be daijoubu
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (832 B, 63x56)IMG_0468.gif And on that I shall surely take it easy
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (958 KB, 4096x1995)1629914295437.jpg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (88 KB, 913x1008)FRUlm0RaIAIX4tC.jpg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (236 KB, 1181x1146)IMG_3944.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (2.5 MB, 3500x2349)IMG_3519.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (735 KB, 721x685)attatchment.7xUtHv.png
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (411 KB, 1407x2048)IMG_6796.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (425 KB, 2508x3541)IMG_1049.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (348 KB, 1203x882)IMG_7742.png
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (66 KB, 850x541)__lapis_lazuli_houseki_no_kuni(…).jpg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (00s, 209 KB, 1110x920)mahirstetation.webm wow a gem
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (84 KB, 1136x640)EbFJLM6VcAAKF97.jpg yeah a vippy
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (849 KB, 1798x1526)FrLP7DHaYAEbG8S.jpg woaw
this one is.... really empty >>15260
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (1.5 MB, 2725x4096)FLmI8JEXoAMwTkV.jpg >>15259 Yeah... I guess there was a while cycle of resurgence and decay in the years of absence www Felty and Noel were around for a while, and NiceBird sometimes Cabbage and Bun but it seems this // that was only temporary ;_;
semirandom tangent i was able to participate on otaku conventions with cosplayers and the like it wasnt anything too big but it was characters i recognized and especially music
Nice, the ones around here seem particularly low in quality so I haven't been (the closest uses a basketball stadium as the venue), but I've seen a fair amount of anime stuff cropping up in the renaissance faire as the years have gone on wwwww Not even just Guts! There were a few Kirito cosplayers there last time I went wwwwwww
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (416 KB, 2732x2048)FmzCGkYaAAMfz2j.jpg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (133 KB, 1453x1412)tsug macdonalds breakfast.jpg
voila, an american dream Yeah we can travel bun, without any means When it's as easy as closin your eyes And think Jamaica is a big neon siiiiiign
H O T T O G O YOU CAN TAKE BUN HOT TO GO That one hurt me
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (2.7 MB, 2626x2879)IMG_5745.jpeg Bun neon tiger there’s a price on your head
My wicked past unfolded, all the drunken vodka When another bolt of lightning killed a hundred head of gucas And the others rushed on by me, and I was left to live The Bunners had a reason, life is his to take or give>504 Gateway Time-out 504 Gateway Time-out nginx Hm >>15271
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (683 KB, 744x1052)__hatoba_tsugu_tsugu_drawn_by_(…).png Now it sent, okay
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (167 KB, 1199x1160)tsoog.jpg >>15269 wwwwwwwww Yeah, it's entirely possible for the underlying node process to die and get brought back by s6 in the middle of a post because the code underneath has some problems in fascinating places who knew that changing the core functionality of your language, and system level dependencies would break things that rely on it
Wao >>15280
Wao!>>15274 lrn2portugues >>15274
Wao...>>15273 wwww I should start watching Irna and Marin more often Portugues vtubers are all like that wwwwwwwwwwww probably pull out the study books again just to try and get over there more permanently >>15273
>>>/watch?v=7zp1TbLFPp8 Thwre shit There you go
I thought you were already there permanently honestly>>15278 what da heck huh, gl >>15278
>>15276 My parents are citizens of portugal now wwww It'd be easier if my job would help me set it up, or if I was able to leave my job and go get one in Portugal with one of their tech companies up in the north; but I have to wait until the acquisition here is finalized before I can really cash out wwww>>15276
You know I like my chicken fried Cold beer on a Friday night a pair of jeans that fit just right and the r/a/dio oooooooooOOOOOnn >>15280
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (189 KB, 474x474)1626795004721.jpg >>15272 The shock of two different anons has frozen inabun's brainbecause he can't tell them apart>>15279 Wait a minute, I didn't notice because I'm always on mobile but the r/a/dio ribbon is gone now huh uh #q huh at least the link to /radio/ still works: >>>/tano/ wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
is that supposed to be the wrong link? lmaooo the first thread is so depressing goddamn lmao>>15282 sushi seems to be right I'm also on phone but I'll hafta check the javascript and find the other links >>15282
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (31 KB, 1120x230)so roner.png >>15281 Yes wwwwwwwwwwwwww There's a few others in there that are wrong on purpose too, and just some random ones >>>/sushi/ The threads on that board do not get less depressing, every time I look through one I go spiraling into an existential crisis. That 30+ one has some really long posts by someone that are well written but god damn. also: holy shit>>15281
I once read some of the doushio archives and holy shit it was depressing.>>15285
oh hey the radio bar is back
>>15283 wwwwwww Never looked into those, doubt they go back as far as the brief period I was there in the very beginning, although last time I looked there's still someone carrying on the old Rei#clones mantle >>15287
>>>/rules/ I fixed them up to be (almost) what they were before wwwwwwwwww>>15287 The rat is still there!>>>/yakui/ >>>/magic/ I think that's all the ones wait>>>/dqn/ and the one for tea is still there
wao real rules no rats>>15285 /archive/1>>>/tea/ oh it actually connects www >>15286
almost have 3fu updated to the latest vichan, just have to find a way to swap out the old style format for images in the DB to the new one
my vichan site will never be updated I am not gonna touch that, no way
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (247 KB, 800x600)__nakano_azusa_k_on_drawn_by_p(…).jpg welp gn vip
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (444 KB, 1536x2048)shork funny.jpg Nightbuns! See yous tomorow!
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (822 KB, 1623x999)IMG_7663.jpeg Mor ningbuns
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (98 KB, 879x1199)GQ7NbPZbwAMEbH1.jpg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (4 KB, 250x243)tsugpog.jpg
hey guys :D
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (08s, 710 KB, 1280x720)kig walks into a bar.webm Hi
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (175 KB, 1358x1858)FP0kk4lagAQpm4P.jpg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (140 KB, 850x1005)1649011185413.jpg wwwwwwwwwwwwww compiler bad
Sillibuns >>15303
>>15302 bungus
Abungus >>15305
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (503 KB, 1536x2048)sus.jpg >>15304 sus
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (365 KB, 1536x2048)FMr1pBoaAAA5QyM.jpg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (1.5 MB, 1920x1920)IMG_7877.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (1.4 MB, 2641x4039)GJshEqUagAE56ud.jpg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (1.3 MB, 2731x4096)FQ64EPbaQAAQFm0.jpg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (68 KB, 1176x662)IMG_7881.jpeg Tsugular Hatobulization seminar
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (199 KB, 1806x1618)IMG_3255.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (163 KB, 930x1291)IMG_2849.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (194 KB, 1920x1080)IMG_6048.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (342 KB, 2032x2048)IMG_7759.jpeg
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Nightbuns slthough irs actually morning
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (227 KB, 1450x2048)IMG_3308.jpeg Mor ningbunnerds
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (23 KB, 318x74)naizuri.png
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (342 KB, 483x337)rat.png naizurin
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (427 KB, 1528x2142)03.webp oops, ffmpeg doesn't like webp but imagemagick deals with it just fine.
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (196 KB, 640x864)barasui apex twin.webp
worth it for all these amazing webp files
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (296 KB, 678x1042)26y3zd.webp just all smash hits, every single webp
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (1.7 MB, 1500x2000)FNkuyN_VUAA_Ujj.jpg
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G Iq Sn Ds Ex (164 KB, 1000x1000)EaumxSjUYAAFh72.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (103 KB, 500x450)bun dicks.jpg bun's''s
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (307 KB, 2048x2048)GMqdpYmasAAk583.jpg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (00s, 172 KB, 560x430)tsugrun.webm hi
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (7 KB, 250x300)kyouhei.webp boy for vip-san >>15341
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (518 KB, 2428x4000)boyciron.jpg wow, a boy!
Power keeps blinking off, djb might go down soon wwwww but at least I won’t have to copy the carts in again this time>>15339 also the reason I died at bar
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (531 KB, 1536x2048)1721883379007.jpg should be out of the woods now
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (228 KB, 1374x2048)IMG_7909.jpeg
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G Iq Sn Ds Ex (1.3 MB, 881x1300)IMG_2189.png
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (2.0 MB, 4032x3024)IMG_7921.jpeg 2night: avgolemonogatari
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (2.1 MB, 4032x3024)IMG_7923.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (2.9 MB, 4032x3024)IMG_7927.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (3.4 MB, 4032x3024)IMG_7928.jpeg wwwwww
Wao I wanna be a boy >>15352
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (333 KB, 2039x2676)IMG_5147.jpeg >>15351 Too bad, girlification time
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (254 KB, 1448x2048)IMG_7677.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (133 KB, 1005x929)IMG_5651.jpeg
Nughtbu ns
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (112 KB, 768x1024)IMG_6973.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (150 KB, 1167x734)Fi3MyFRaEAA28hs.jpg wake the fuck upbuns
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (57 KB, 640x640)1712337904040101.jpg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (2.1 MB, 2480x2037)puffplop.png
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (301 KB, 800x800)bkub cruddy.png
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (256 KB, 1920x1920)D2OneY1UYAA0wvs.jpg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (252 KB, 1481x563)feeling COOL.PNG
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (22s, 2.8 MB, 720x1280)doogbread2.webm buns
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (575 KB, 1536x2048)GLtMMnAWwAAdsBg.jpg
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G Iq Sn Ds Ex (242 KB, 1616x1080)Fl86uKgakAEp9s0.jpg
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G Iq Sn Ds Ex (409 KB, 1128x1703)IMG_7936.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (63 KB, 480x496)IMG_7947.jpeg Buns
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (673 KB, 3312x4096)IMG_0145.jpeg Buns out guns out
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (665 KB, 2048x1583)IMG_7959.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (958 KB, 4096x1995)IMG_2554.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (140 KB, 729x729)IMG_6191.jpeg Nightbunss
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (286 KB, 650x885)IMG_1438.png Mor ningbuns
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (396 KB, 4096x2309)tsug drive.jpg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (368 KB, 720x720)plop11.gif
oh my god they hit the bread-tagon
wwwwwwww Vip pls >>15389
>>15388 waow waow happy birthdaybun! How is being 30 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (1.3 MB, 1920x1920)GL2LyWNaIAAG163.jpg
Wow doxxaban >>15392
>>15391 pls, everyone already knew that since like 5 of our birthdays are within a week of each other wwwwwwwwww er 4 rather
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (30 KB, 250x250)spoiler1.png
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (145 KB, 977x1216)F-lYTflbcAAlI4F.jpg that sure is the lewd spoiler image
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (190 KB, 964x742)IMG_7916.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (421 KB, 1311x2047)IMG_7975.jpeg
Happy bunday!!
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (63 KB, 480x496)IMG_7947.jpeg Bunday, bloody bunday many lost but tell me who has bun
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (259 KB, 1360x2048)IMG_7972.jpeg
Puts my bun up, puts my bun up against the wallllll
Suns up buns up
pink pony bun im gonna keep on dancin at the pink pony bun im gonna keep on dancing down at west bunnywood
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (88 KB, 780x1475)IMG_5192.jpeg
vip, what movies have you seen lately? what do you recommend? >>15406
>>15405 Saw DUNE PART 2 a while back with some friends, pretty good Mostly watching old TV these days, went through all of LAW & ORDER and it’s really great. The first few seasons of SVU are pretty good too, before it becomes completely goofy wwww Watched the whole run of EVIL, it’s not good, very bad show, but in baffling ways www YOLO: Crystal Fantasy/Silver Destiny are really good, better than smiling friends by the same guy. Watched a couple good horror movies the last year, coming home in the dark, lost and the wicked, what Jedediah saw, Mandy, uh color out of space oh yeah this last week or so I’ve been watching BANSHEE, pretty good, it’s basically an American version of the yakuza games wwwwww and The Wire, absolutely fantastic show but it falls apart halfway through the fifth season also The Lost Room, which is basically SCP with every actor you’ve ever heard of in it>>15407 Watch it! It’s really good, and you've seen gifs from it probably for over a decade now, they’re still huge memes wwwwwww
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (314 KB, 500x500)__amane_suzuha_steins_gate_dra(…).jpg Dune 2 was really good, I saw that in theaters>the wire I've been recommended that one too if I like breaking bad and ozarks which I did, so I'll have to check out the wire. I haven't watched an actual TV show in such a long time, it's always been just anime shows for me >>15406 >>15408
Banshee is pretty funny, it’s from back when Cinemax was still kinda a porn thing so there’s one scene every episode that’s the MC fucking some girl from the town, then the rest is brawling with gangsters or weirdly convoluted political drama www>>15407 wwww it’s a good time o // to catch up on old mid to good tv; because it all sucks now and anime has gotten worse wwwwwwwwwwwww ooh yeah I watched a few seasons of CHUCK again, pretty good for that kind of sitcom recently watched a new season episode of L&O, holy shit TV has gotten bad, it’s half the runtime it used to be but in the same size time slot, because of all the ads so there’s barely any story, and no time for false leads, it’s a detective story that is just straightforward as shit, and barely a trial scene either>>15409 Yeah, SY is finally a good Mizukami show shame they have //made the Kyoto loli god wear clothes when she didn’t in the manga wwwwwww Yeah not much in the pipe it seems, been catching up with anime recently. Saw the Yuri Seijin OVAs, stellar masterpieces, I guess at one time UFOTABLE actually had it. Unbreakable Machine Doll was the kind of slop we just don’t get anymore, didn’t make any sense at all, pretty good otherwise. >>15409
I've been enjoying sengoku youko this season but I hven't found anything else I like dont really see anything I care about next season too>>15408 fuck been watching dragon balls lately wwww dragon ball* whatever >>15408
Oh yeah, watched all of Aqua Teen again in pieces still holds up wwwww
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (447 KB, 1447x1440)IMG_7990.png
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (274 KB, 1365x2048)IMG_6954.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (432 KB, 1920x1080)[SubsPlease] Dead Dead Demons (…).jpg well this is pretty good so far too
Haven’t picked it up yet, bunch of friends are really into the manga though
mor ningbuns
morni ng
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (1.7 MB, 4032x3024)IMG_8820.jpeg wwwwww
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G Iq Sn Ds Ex (145 KB, 1152x1576)E6Z7ZEnWQAcb8_X.jpg cluddification
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (191 KB, 720x720)sinking of the breadsitania.gif
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (120 KB, 235x302)tsugcraft.PNG
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (81 KB, 1280x1280)easy onimai.jpg chake id eajy
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G Iq Sn Ds Ex (1.2 MB, 2730x4096)IMG_7396.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (204 KB, 720x720)sinking of the breadsitania.gif fixed a bit.
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (268 KB, 499x525)it cummed.PNG
>>>/watch?v=MBsN1-AHQ-4 >>15432
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (330 KB, 541x647)pee.PNG >>15431
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G Iq Sn Ds Ex (96 KB, 561x1030)FX3C3n6acAEpJyg.jpg nightbun s
Mor ningbuns
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (124 KB, 1169x826)51125671_p0.webp Brekfess buns
waow feet but it’s a bit late for breakfast more appropriate for brunch the gayest meal
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (344 KB, 2048x1535)IMG_2882.jpeg Although I haven’t had proper breakfast since I got back to the states they don’t really do it right here, always too big
Like u >>15451
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (57 KB, 1299x885)IMG_1125.jpeg >>15450 no, ur just tiny
No wai
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (2.0 MB, 2512x2541)IMG_1548.jpeg Smolbun
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yum bred
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (63 KB, 1299x885)IMG_8021.jpeg Koume hot dog
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (28 KB, 544x307)IMG_0457.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (2.4 MB, 4080x3072)PXL_20240901_003426180.jpg clud chowder
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (3.5 MB, 4032x3024)IMG_8044.jpeg Ooh nice today for me was sausage pesto Mediterranean soup after all
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (2.4 MB, 4032x3024)IMG_8041.jpeg wwwww made with kielbasa even though it’s supposed to be a different sausage
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (1.9 MB, 3072x4080)PXL_20240901_011026770.jpg Nice nice Why are your pictures always so wide? www >>15474
>>15473 Tasty, wish we had good clams up here. PLS They're literally slightly smaller than yours! oh wait you probably have rotation data enabled in your browser wwwwwwwwwwww doesn't quite do it correctly
oh when I hover over it, the image is fine clicking it makes yours more distorted than mine, idk >>15476
>>15475 yeah that's almost certainly EXIF rotation data wwwwww I wonder how many times the browser implements a rot90 algorithm, and how many different levels of correctness they have
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (4 KB, 71x57)kraftbee_right.gif
G (♫, 08s, 1.8 MB, 720x1600)signal-2024-08-31-23-41-58-803.mp4 okay oh does mp4 not work? but hey your pictures are so FAT>>15479 yeah when I open your pictures in a new tab, they'r ealways fine n all It's just weird that it's always only your pictures wwww Including all your orbs back on the old bun >>15479
expanding it doesn't work but opening in new tab works fine. that's, strange If it's rotation it should just be the opposite resolution 3:4/4:3 from the upload, but it seems to not match up right to just rotating the image???>>15478 wwwwwwwwwwwww Wait which old bun, there were orbs on the intermediate okinan bun and ->>15480 Ah, this same bun, but before I fixed the code wwwww The great eras of /bun/, the early biumvirate, the middle inabun empire, the dark ages, the okinan new republic, and the holy VIPPERand bunpire>>15480 The reformat-bun >>15478
The one when I first found the site and stuff Oh yeah lol I did snoop around a lot n saw "old bun" but yra ea ah fuck me whatever Well I at least joined during the holy matrimony of vipper and bun >>15479
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (169 KB, 1448x2048)IMG_7969.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (181 KB, 720x1280)IMG_6846.jpeg Wake upbuns
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (224 KB, 1536x2048)IMG_8073.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (198 KB, 818x1279)IMG_8083.jpeg Dreamed of leeches
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (413 KB, 1760x1178)IMG_8054.jpeg
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G Iq Sn Ds Ex (10 KB, 216x184)IMG_0352.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (1.5 MB, 3264x2448)IMG_1026.jpeg Bunce
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (612 KB, 2048x1405)IMG_2237.jpeg Bunbreds
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (4 KB, 71x57)kraftbee_right.gif
wwww haven’t played in a few weeks was getting in to gtnh but I just don’t have the time
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (593 KB, 3282x2902)IMG_9226.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (90 KB, 800x1146)IMG_8095.jpeg >>15521
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (167 KB, 576x1024)IMG_7948.jpeg Nightbunbs
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (646 KB, 2864x4050)IMG_1306.jpeg Mor ningbuns
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (63 KB, 1299x885)IMG_8021.jpeg Wake the fuck up >>15509
Mad dogs and Englishmen out in the noonday bun
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (1.7 MB, 1000x1430)1723297077792825.png
>>15506 no
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (38 KB, 850x726)__frieren_and_fern_sousou_no_f(…).jpg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (82 KB, 1444x991)Subj. Lawn Mowing.PNG anti-bed action
I've spent all day outside cuz of my accidental tanline now very prominently lol
wwwwwwwwwwwwww farmer's tanbuns thankfully despite spending a lot more time outside this summer it's almost all been under trees since all the public land around here is forests w
Oh no no the thing I said yesterday that I made a mistake wwwww >>15515
>>15514 oh that wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwagent 47
Thankfully I don't look like a complete fuckin skinhead But yeah whew wwwwww
perfect time to become kigu
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (444 KB, 1536x2048)shork funny.jpg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (90 KB, 800x1146)IMG_8095.jpeg >>15521
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (710 KB, 1131x1600)IMG_8105.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (80 KB, 1000x766)__houjou_tokiyuki_nige_jouzu_n(…).jpg >>15502 >>15519 do you like that show btw? the first two episodes had such amazing animation, it hooked meand then the cgi attacked>>15522
>>15521 still haven’t started it wwwwww just really like that shota only really catching up with sengoku you’ll this season
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (82 KB, 513x627)IMG_1175.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (153 KB, 1446x2056)IMG_7516.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (126 KB, 1448x2048)IMG_1138.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (2.1 MB, 4032x3024)IMG_8121.jpeg Tonight! Ethiopian lentils and tandoori chicken kebabs it’s really good wwww
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (2.5 MB, 3072x4080)PXL_20240902_234812913.jpg you got me beat
wwwwwwwww>>15529 Half-leftovers and some bullshit is a time honored dinner wwwwwww although my leftovers seem to disappear a lot of the time >>15529
Well, I had leftovers but it wasn't enough wwww>>15528 My leftovers definitely seem to disappear much faster than I anticipate >>15528
Haven’t grilled nearly enough this summer w guess the gluten free buns really killed it for burgers most of the time w
oh do you have celiac now? or I guess you always have celiac if you have it, just didn't notice it before or something I might have celiac or like a lower gluten tolerance or something I will feel shitty if I eat too much bread but that may just be.. everyone blah blah blah >>15532
>>15531 ah no, my brother does developed it at the end of last year, not something he had to begin with
oh huh>>15534 I wonder why I always assume I don't have celiac but ehhh who knows It could just be a thing with Lyme disease where, like, it was just never reported and so the number of Lyme diseases "are increasing">pesticides could be, could be I am oblivious in this area so >>15534
apparently an increasingly common thing of people developing it in their late and mid 20s, or even later w>>15533 Doesn't seem much consensus on that, might be genetic factors, or something with pesticides. Ongoing field of study. Part of the lyme disease thing was purely psychosomatic too wwwwww >>15533
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Night buns
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (1.4 MB, 2005x1604)IMG_5237.jpeg Mor ningbuns
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (198 KB, 589x400)dedbun.png Wake the fuck up
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (267 KB, 480x480)ploop.gif GET OUTTA BED
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (1.2 MB, 1024x1024)tsug soldier.png IT'S TIME TO WORK!
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (1.1 MB, 1280x720)riding jeepaban.png
isnt that solder not soldier?
all good solders break like boulders
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (00s, 172 KB, 560x430)tsugrun.webm
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (4 KB, 71x57)IMG_8124.gif
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G Iq Sn Ds Ex (803 KB, 2734x4096)FkoF6cXVsAANQlJ.jpg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (1.1 MB, 1440x720)plopsden.gif
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (268 KB, 1400x2048)IMG_8130.jpeg
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G Iq Sn Ds Ex (1.8 MB, 3000x3761)IMG_4889.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (2.2 MB, 4032x3024)IMG_8140.jpeg Egg
Living now in a post egg world
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (150 KB, 1125x1600)IMG_7531.jpeg
#plop (14)
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (290 KB, 1618x1747)IMG_8143.jpeg Buns es
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (952 KB, 4032x3024)IMG_8473.jpeg Boons
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (3 KB, 240x250)ddql.PNG bunners where are the buns
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (842 KB, 1570x1007)IMG_0387.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (198 KB, 589x400)dedbun.png
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G Iq Sn Ds Ex (186 KB, 1152x2048)signal-2024-09-03-205047_002.jpeg chikkin
waow waow and assgass plus either curry or some mushroom gravy??
Just a chicken sauce: >>>/watch?v=Ze7LyJVhexE I really enjoy this recipe, add extra stuff to it afterwards This one I removed the extra butter and added cheese instead and just eating chicken by itself is way too meaty for me wwww
hmm, I should source some whole chicken, most of the places around here it's just thighs or soup bones I have a bunch of recipes that would work with thighs and other skin-on parts
really? I thought meijers has full chickens >>15577
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (102 KB, 736x646)__gotoh_hitori_bocchi_the_rock(…).png bunnight >>15577
>>15575 Only cooked these days, oh they have full ones but they're pre-skinned wwwww could sub in a turkey but that would take all day>>15576 night probably heading to bed myself in 20 or so
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (116 KB, 340x312)cab age.PNG yeah, nightbunners
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (63 KB, 1299x885)IMG_8021.jpeg Mor ningbuns
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (195 KB, 1406x2048)IMG_8147.jpeg Wake up
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (140 KB, 850x1005)1649011185413.jpg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (362 KB, 2012x2048)IMG_8158.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (1.2 MB, 4096x2731)FU8WnxfaIAAmig5.jpg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (457 KB, 1680x1043)1723771145528.jpg wake up everybun it's not too late
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (268 KB, 1389x2048)FVDl5OlUcAEI-aU.jpg *inaudible*
oh oops hi im awake >>15588
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (123 KB, 1500x1500)EiCeh8pVkAEfPlm.jpg >>15587 Oh good, you're finally awake They caught you trying to cross the border
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (711 KB, 1697x1238)1725311744621667.jpg back in venezuela again huh fuck u maduro
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (428 KB, 2048x1738)EoEQbd8VkAMouYN.jpeg kani
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (360 KB, 1603x2162)En0fmZ3VcAIi1E-.jpeg Maids eating chicken off the floor
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (472 KB, 2246x3460)FO2XfqpakAQNZCz.jpg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (168 KB, 1200x1165)IMG_8164.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (168 KB, 1600x1600)GNn8GmQaIAEy5iG.jpg openbsd realtek
>>>/watch?v=tFWC-Gxz3kE bring him back
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (9 KB, 127x120)FWL6uuaWYAgcmGn.jpg Kill EVERY publisher.
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (11 KB, 126x139)yukkuri lord humungous.jpg Go back to making books bound in human skin, rip it from the still living flesh of anyone who has ever sent a DMCA takedown.
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (217 KB, 1212x1136)GI8RBRAakAA5Pto.jpg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (229 KB, 1365x2048)IMG_8166.jpeg
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G Iq Sn Ds Ex (2.1 MB, 2480x2037)puffplop.png >>15606
>>15604 Spoopy>>15607
Mor ningbuns>>15606 waow inabun bun bummer buny
inubungulus hi
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (220 KB, 2048x1152)IMG_1362.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (16 KB, 200x96)IMG_6855.png
2 buns for the price of 1, bun bun!
let the midnight buncial shine down on me
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (1.7 MB, 640x799)tsug gunnin.gif
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (920 KB, 1654x2400)Terumina - c003 (v01) - p010 [(…).png
G (♫, 06s, 81 KB, 300x332)akio_mstk-1510972008443834375-(…).mp3
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (175 KB, 1358x1858)FP0kk4lagAQpm4P.jpg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (279 KB, 700x822)IMG_2235.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (175 KB, 1050x1867)IMG_8194.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (160 KB, 1266x1368)IMG_7837.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (175 KB, 1050x1867)IMG_8194.jpeg Tsoooooooog
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (1.1 MB, 1546x2000)IMG_1239.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (292 KB, 1799x1288)IMG_4617.jpeg
WAKE UP blahblahblahblabhlabhlblah WAKE UP
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (63 KB, 1299x885)IMG_8021.jpeg Keys table something fable
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (125 KB, 937x1309)ima_bed7bdf.jpeg awaken, buns buns awaken
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (1.7 MB, 640x799)tsug gunnin.gif
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (134 KB, 1272x1280)IMG_8202.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (34 KB, 780x1116)IMG_6390.jpeg
fuck tsuguwu
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (272 KB, 2894x3826)IMG_5861.jpeg Hatorbrar
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (238 KB, 600x600)IMG_8542.jpeg Tsugub
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (128 KB, 600x840)IMG_7941.png
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (139 KB, 640x480)M.JPG
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (420 KB, 1280x1280)rumia burger.jpg wow macdolnads went to local drivein for lunch again because I was out that way
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (322 KB, 2048x1536)IMG_8207.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (143 KB, 777x1087)IMG_8107.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (100 KB, 1267x713)IMG_7911.jpeg
wao >>15642
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (198 KB, 589x400)IMG_7653.png >>15641 bungulys
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (167 KB, 1199x1160)IMG_1319.jpeg Bungulyzing
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (115 KB, 780x1108)IMG_5033.jpeg Bungulussy
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (504 KB, 2048x2048)IMG_7162.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (68 KB, 496x650)IMG_4471.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (286 KB, 500x780)IMG_0054.png Postbuns
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (270 KB, 1000x816)1576684843740.jpg
baezil >>15651
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (116 KB, 986x823)GJIxLtcbMAAlPty.jpg >>15650 bportsul is very cute
VIP pictured
Yes, sexing the bazgul~
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (103 KB, 500x450)bun dicks.jpg wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
nuh uh
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (1.2 MB, 1918x2383)__roxy_migurdia_mushoku_tensei(…).jpg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (336 KB, 729x1032)IMG_7278.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (249 KB, 1549x2048)IMG_7122.jpeg The summer of bread the autumn of bread the constant wheel of time where I annoy people to breadpost
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (173 KB, 1365x2048)IMG_8224.jpeg Wake the fuck upbuns
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (102 KB, 1614x788)khrushchev.png im already >>15668
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (2.4 MB, 4032x3024)IMG_6273.jpeg >>15667 glory to the ussr
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (321 KB, 2062x1296)IMG_3470.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (1.8 MB, 3264x2448)IMG_5973.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (153 KB, 1125x1260)FXVtUM3VEAEiCZa.jpg clu'd
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (86 KB, 694x888)IMG_7409.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (113 KB, 1364x2048)IMG_6853.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (308 KB, 1536x2048)IMG_7284.jpeg
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G Iq Sn Ds Ex (43 KB, 768x768)GNbV2xVawAAzsHQ.jpg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (196 KB, 1442x1857)Fl3vn22agAAaFLF.jpg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (314 KB, 2274x1400)IMG_5326.png
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (411 KB, 1407x2048)IMG_6796.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (309 KB, 1450x2048)IMG_4214.jpeg Bun and gun
there was something in the air that night the stars were right bunnando and if I had to do it all again I would my friend bunnando
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (440 KB, 2300x2300)FMOB40takAAdC2V.jpg
night bunnners bun bunns
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (1.2 MB, 4096x3912)IMG_8242.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (204 KB, 498x313)silverfish.gif
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (204 KB, 498x313)silverfish.gif
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (204 KB, 498x313)silverfish.gif
Oh no my beautiful stone brick house is in danger
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (129 KB, 800x616)IMG_8246.jpeg
/bun/craft revival when? >>15698
>>15697 i mean, the whole server is on your github wwwwwwww been thinking about running some modded thing again, i wonder what packs are good these days not GTNH no one but me would play ww>>15700
Minge raft
>>15698 iwant to get back into minecraft but too lazy eroge is enough for me might play this next i clicked "I like busty women in their late forties with huge asses." and it sent me here>>15701 >>15703
>>15700 hmm if only there was minecraft eroge mod
little maid mob but you can rape them
>>15700 wwwwwww boy x boy romance only /bun/core>>15704
>>15703 existential crisis tag is important too
let's existential boyxboy romance with bloody scenes! >>15706
>>15705 kamige
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (142 KB, 1235x1666)IMG_2241.jpeg
G (♫, 59s, 11.8 MB, 720x1280)ellelldesu-1633450709541867524(…).mp3 >>15713
Uh that’s not right
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (50 KB, 798x380)IMG_8221.png
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (198 KB, 589x400)IMG_7653.png
G (♫, 02m09s, 5.0 MB, 640x360)riven.mp4 >>15713
>>15708 >>15712 hmm, something wrong with the regex probably
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (414 KB, 1448x2048)IMG_8250.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (159 KB, 1279x1716)IMG_7757.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (198 KB, 589x400)dedbun.png
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (127 KB, 1771x1663)__amane_suzuha_steins_gate_and(…).jpg ;_; >>15719
G (♫, 00s, 53 KB, 560x430)h2oyWagT-1461346073998344196-2(…).mp3 >>15718 FEET DESTROYED
no there's definitely something wrong with how it's storing the original extension
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (94 KB, 806x1330)__amane_suzuha_steins_gate_dra(…).jpg I want her to give me a PBJ but hold the P >>15723
anywho bed time, too much screen time for me >>15723
>>15721 hmm butter and jelly is a weird combo for a sandwich >>15722 nighto!
wwwwwwwwww my friends have been saying that phrase "gimme a pbj but hold the p" for weeks and I just understood it a few hours ago I thought it was a butter and jelly sandwich too wwwwwwww
wwwww slow
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (1.1 MB, 1440x720)IMG_8128.gif Wake upbuns
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (518 KB, 2428x4000)boyciron.jpg 9999
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (505 KB, 1536x2048)GNn1kd5aAAAnnFC.jpg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (273 KB, 600x811)GNN_lpTaQAADZ6N.png
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (198 KB, 589x400)dedbun.png
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (159 KB, 1500x1152)1725647527156139.jpg 9
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (298 KB, 810x852)1725271307670247.jpg 8
wow bocc
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (275 KB, 570x740)GLRjddNa8AAmGR7.png well I dislike stapler
what did stapler ever do to you??
Stapler-San is well known to be a god damn asshole
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (385 KB, 1500x2000)FRcKnigVgAAcvZ_.jpg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (268 KB, 1536x2048)IMG_8266.jpeg
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G Iq Sn Ds Ex (287 KB, 1356x2048)IMG_8265.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (240 KB, 1616x2048)IMG_8269.jpeg
I heard Woodrow Wilson’s buns, I heard Maria cryiiing late last night I heard the news that Veracruz was dying i I think I heard my father’s voice he said you must go now, you have no choiiiice
Take the children and ride west breadpata will take the rest
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (3.0 MB, 2580x4055)IMG_6394.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (1.1 MB, 1190x1416)IMG_0108.jpeg
you pick up little dynamite, I'll pick up little bun
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (511 KB, 1920x1080)IMG_6701.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (267 KB, 480x480)ploop.gif
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (198 KB, 589x400)dedbun.png
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (21 KB, 758x424)sadbread.png
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (84 KB, 1384x1007)GAQV35EaAAERyy7.jpg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (167 KB, 1071x1395)brednach.jpg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (63 KB, 1299x885)IMG_8021.jpeg Koume Hotdog
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (173 KB, 1365x2048)IMG_8224.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (398 KB, 1458x2045)IMG_8277.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (995 KB, 1512x2086)7ab934862464905f6058826e074c0bd0.png
Waow cirorn
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (129 KB, 1014x1016)IMG_8289.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (823 KB, 960x1280)c92310f51de011dc246b0b45b6dda3ca.jpg but... but ;_;
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (162 KB, 600x631)cirno.jpg 9
oyasum ibuns
wake the fuck upbuns
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (368 KB, 720x720)plop11.gif Happy 9/11 YEE-HAW
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (102 KB, 725x1029)FL5v8ruakAAB6oO.jpg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (99 KB, 768x960)GAuOnJTbMAA45JC.jpg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (77 KB, 745x745)IMG_8303.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (225 KB, 500x667)kijio.png
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (2.1 MB, 2480x2037)puffplop.png
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (267 KB, 480x480)ploop.gif
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (308 KB, 1600x1823)EkC0JLuUwAEa1qf.jpeg
Bun the person the band
Flight of the buncords
youu and mee gon bunnin' in the dark lyin on our backs n countin' the stars where the cooool grass groo-oo-ooows
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (554 KB, 1545x2000)IMG_8101.jpeg
Put me under i I want to get away I wonder shes a bunner
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (316 KB, 1348x2048)IMG_8312.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (282 KB, 900x506)IMG_8306.png And on the great shit of prigress the crew can’t find the brake
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (368 KB, 720x720)plop11.gif !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oyasum ibuns
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (347 KB, 736x642)1675038561787552.png
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (67 KB, 627x1089)FQNoFd6VsAErjMJ.jpg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (416 KB, 800x1111)IMG_3843.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (315 KB, 1202x1850)IMG_8320.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (106 KB, 600x420)GNtQ8DObUAAYXfj.jpg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (106 KB, 850x598)tkmiz suicide.jpg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (277 KB, 1711x2048)IMG_8329.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (294 KB, 1448x2048)IMG_8333.jpeg Boy s
And girlstoo
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (423 KB, 800x800)slug riamu torture.png
one of them was A SALTED
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (556 KB, 1536x2048)IMG_7018.jpeg Bunorning
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (789 KB, 1300x918)1725829827376.jpg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (92 KB, 1100x854)FlIsYX8aAAANaWr.jpg
bun bun bun in the sun sun sun fun fun fun
bun bun bun in the sun sun sun till daddy takes the gun away from the big river to the big sea
I don't think those are the right lyrics but I tried.
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (87 KB, 901x574)IMG_3507.jpeg Bunday, bloody bunday
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (2.1 MB, 2480x2037)puffplop.png
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (258 KB, 1451x2048)IMG_8340.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (159 KB, 1500x1152)1725647527156139.jpg