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/bun/ - Return of the bun (#6848) Bottom Expand Images
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (177 KB, 1920x1080)mpv-shot0081.jpg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (583 KB, 800x1119)C6FB7B67-77A2-4B0F-81A1-D7F44718BD56.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (557 KB, 991x1400)3B29A263-6956-4D78-8242-EE5A5DCC4433.jpeg girl
>>7888 it's sex
Ah it’s cummieket
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (2.7 MB, 4032x3024)AF93051A-FFBC-4D4E-8AA6-63587BF2C79E.jpeg Orb Of the day
Orb looking thicc today
wwwwww rotation metadata still broken
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (594 KB, 1000x1433)FZ9TzrNVsAsp3gq.jpg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (198 KB, 1000x1414)FZ8kveKUIAAXpfT.jpg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (198 KB, 1000x1414)FZyL19KUcAAyv7-.jpg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (39 KB, 641x546)BA016F17-3ECC-45BD-8B25-44DC3DB60213.png
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (668 KB, 658x863)1660015509312.png i tried reading popotan VN today it was fun though japanese was a bit too difficult at times for me. VN has a great OP >>>/watch?v=Iv_dDnSFbMo i liked how the loli immediately started fingers typo FUCK how do it fix. fingering herself so that was great.
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (07s, 2.0 MB, 1320x720)the citadel is not a guro feti(…)webm the citadel is NOT a guro fetish game.
>>7904 uhhhh
>>7905 NOT A GURO FETISH GAME! now having played through it on stream and decapitated countless anime girls with their tits out, crawling towards me with their lower half ripped off by shotgun fire begging for death sure, totally, whatever you say man
>>7906 >my interests include Lost in Abyss hmmmmmmmmmmm
and TOUHOU no one would ever associate those with guro fetish somewhere else he said it can't be a guro fetish game because it is like Marathon wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww yeah, this is exactly like when that crazy AI called his ship BOOMER
it's really good when it doesn't crash but it crashes quite often
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (451 KB, 850x1200)D2A9E4E1-F753-4D3F-9777-514E335E991D.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (138 KB, 1074x1517)FaA3Ip_aUAEyY8X.jpg she's so fluffy
>>7898 >>7899 too cute for a dick that big
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (166 KB, 1692x1280)5B0000A5-EE1A-4AFA-837B-797A4FD9B3B1.jpeg Love to play both sides with a cute girl who got a big dick
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (296 KB, 1456x2048)426526E7-AB39-44FF-81FF-AA5785F99DC1.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (♫, 28s, 4.6 MB, 1920x1080)yo-u-jo.webm
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (156 KB, 1130x2048)FZ1Pkg7WYAMfenh.jpg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (473 KB, 2203x1469)7E9E81F3-A9B7-4BBC-AFE9-6487A7F185A1.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (431 KB, 2509x3374)CEACE6D4-EBE2-4371-B77A-DFC8F82C1479.png
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (593 KB, 1024x1024)DALL·E 2022-08-14 01.19.23.png oh no she swallowed the orb
>>7923 wow that's really cute
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (242 KB, 1389x2048)1660440905505.jpeg
Rewrite /bun/ in bun?
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (298 KB, 1229x1849)A57D0556-0BE3-4ECC-83FB-7EC6E86CDFD7.jpeg >>7925 spit that out!>>7928 wwwwww ive begun rewriting it in C
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (308 KB, 1000x1408)9F835221-0470-4A83-8835-6F3229A416D0.jpeg
>>7929 That sounds really fun, to be honest. Handling websockets would fascinating from scratch.
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (616 KB, 1024x1024)DALL·E 2022-08-14 10.10.11 - a(…)png >>7929 oh wait false alarm, wrong orb
>>7932 w-what is happening to her face and hand??
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (172 KB, 1200x1121)ed415cf662087e80ee4c24a8f32d2a(…)jpg >>7932 AI should be banned Too much garbage comes out of it.
Oh, I didn't see the DALL-E thingy.
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (2.1 MB, 1024x1024)DALL·E 2022-08-14 10.19.17 - a(…)png >>7934 counterpoint, goth capybara
>>7931 it really isn’t because the spec is retarded and insanely overbuilt why would I ever want to handle a n-length series of 50 PB packets through this OVER TCP all based on the header format of course fucking stupid anyway I was planning on updating 9pJS to do it w
>>7937 I think it would be a fun project.
wwwwwww i did it before I mean it mostly worked but there was this hanging tail for the series mode and web socket does not guarantee endieness unlike 9p www so it is usually kinda fucked
The tony hawk remakes were free on ps+ this month so now I have listened to so many teen breakup angst songs in a 48 hour period that I am desperately warding off chugging wine and painkillers cannot deal with the early 2000s please make it more dead faster
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (2.1 MB, 1773x2899)FaIBsjoUcAMJ5kM.jpg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (546 KB, 1154x1678)6C89FE65-024A-4EC6-870D-15EA70EB8AFB.jpeg Bridget ✂️
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (1.7 MB, 2480x3507)A469EB6A-FDB1-4C98-91D6-F449EF6CF34C.jpeg
why u gotta b so gay?
>>7944 no u wait bridget is a girl, this is mostly straight porn!
the trajodie of /bun/ding
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (2.3 MB, 4032x3024)CE6F2128-6C44-4888-AD72-D7F3CDF73272.jpeg Lots of rape behind orb
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (3.7 MB, 4032x3024)7D9176FC-99EF-4BD1-97C4-6CD2DCA21533.jpeg Fuck you I do what I want.
feed the geese into a woodchipper
>>7945 girls dont have pps
>>7956 some girls have cute girldicks or big sweaty girldicks
no u there is nothing gross about girlcock
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (57 KB, 1299x885)koume hotdog.jpg or boyvagina for that matter
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (102 KB, 1280x720)1374112545055.jpg >>7956
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (9 KB, 207x350)HEY!.jpg no wai!
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (12 KB, 224x224)1389414130871.png nothing gay about wanting to suck a cute girl's dick
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (80 KB, 1280x720)no.jpg There's plenty gay about it Unless you were a girl urself
kinda gay to not like a girl as cute as bridget to be honest
>>7965 wait that would be gayer since then you'd be lesbians who both have dicks
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (677 KB, 1032x1457)FZ7LbPwUsAAeloF.jpg wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww every transgirl I follow on twitter changed their PFP to Bridget when this happened, it was amazing.>>7965 T4Tabun
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (1.6 MB, 1989x1907)ExDphy0UcAApKcN.jpeg But the dick and vagina are both overrated, budding HRT tits are the best part
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (298 KB, 1229x1849)8D7B4185-158A-4565-A32A-2712EF5F3C12.jpeg Completely heterosexual image
>>7965 extremely dumb
>>7956 uhh no they do
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (309 KB, 1200x1680)B82AFED2-78F8-4EEF-9AA9-1458E2F104B0.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (176 KB, 580x900)FaNGZcXaIAAfVHJ.png
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (1.8 MB, 1500x2000)83BDC4A0-4D3D-4DEB-8BA5-1A6B9A37B6FF.jpeg She is so fucking fluffy
>>7976 fuwa fuwa
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (3.1 MB, 1935x1514)z44.png What about girls (male) without a dick?
those are pretty great too little nubs~
>>7978 fine too! girls are cute
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (145 KB, 1200x629)FPJTVbQaUAIR7Nm.jpg need cluddy girls
I'm not sure what a cluddy is and I'm a little bit frightened to ask.
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (421 KB, 1115x1600)image_171.jpg >>7982 WHAT???? Read the cluddy right fucking now!
MINECRAFT: v 1.19.2
>>7984 if you join please do not be an endedmen, both of us already picked that and now we can’t get clay
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (771 KB, 1969x3795)D3E5D04A-664F-4FCF-9F85-F93D063C46ED.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (31 KB, 326x326)1425936522453.jpg >>7986 sugoiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii i wanna touch that tummy
yes want to rub her while she lusts for qiqi
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (21 KB, 264x292)1425936522454.jpg She just wants to bury the zombie The dead should stay dead!
she wants to bury something in the zombie
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (238 KB, 1154x2048)bridget2.jpg bridget has me fucked up (not in a good way)
>>7991 How so? She's so cute and fluffy~
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (460 KB, 850x1200)FZu_v7kVsAEjAQS.jpg
shes not even that cute
>>7994 :V WHAT she's super fuwafuwa and cute! just want to fluff her hair forever
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (27 KB, 300x249)1426905875894.jpg i dont see it
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (412 KB, 2000x2000)FZ0ABH6aMAAJQjC.jpg just look at that fluffy head
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (153 KB, 967x1300)FZtES_caAAEYHqA.jpg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (784 KB, 907x1290)E1WKggHVcAICKpk.jpg fluffffffy and small wan ther to sit on my lap and just fluff her
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (76 KB, 840x630)FaPb8eSWYAEsCzV.jpg w
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (337 KB, 717x920)E5075666-BCE7-4632-BCED-77A9649C8FDB.jpeg
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (3.3 MB, 3500x2372)51C9DAFC-72C9-4C3D-BF32-E09E19608AF6.jpeg w
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (98 KB, 826x959)FZ625dgUIAA6FBl.jpg
>>8007 me on the left
G Iq Sn Ds Ex (775 KB, 2480x3508)3AB0A3CE-4CAF-4170-8ECA-F01E94F49BCE.jpeg
FAT>>8010 ➡ >>8010 ➡ >>8010 ➡ >>8010 ➡ >>8010 ➡ >>8010 ➡ >>8010 ➡ >>8010 ➡
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